You just selected the Talend Administration Center server. In
this step, you need to select from where Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit will get
the associated artifact for the migrated tasks.
Select one of the following options:
TAC artifact: Talend Studio version is supported by Talend Cloud and you
want to migrate the Talend Administration Center task artifact located in the on-premises Artifact Repository (Nexus 2/3 or
JFrog Artifactory).
TMC artifact: You already migrated a Talend Administration Center artifact with a previous task and another Talend Administration Center task is using the same artifact. Select this option to ensure that the
artifact version in Talend Management Console stays the same, otherwise each migration of the same artifact will have a
different version in Talend Management Console. If you don’t want to migrate the artifact associated with the on-premises
task but rather want to use the artifact rebuilt with the latest version of
Talend Studio and already published to Talend Management Console, Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit will look for a Talend Management Console artifact with the same artifact ID and group ID as the Talend Administration Center artifact.
What to do next
You selected the origin of the task artifact. In the next
step, you will specify the Talend Cloud
environment you want to use for the migration.
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