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Migrating Talend projects and artifacts

The migration of Talend projects and artifacts is implemented in a six steps wizard. You can automate the upgrade of a project designed in a non-compatible version of Talend Studio as well as the publication of artifacts to Talend Cloud.

To automate tasks such as a project upgrade or an artifacts deployment, you need to configure and run the installation of a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) sandbox. Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit installs a local Talend 8.0 CI/CD sandbox environment with all the tools required to automate the upgrade, including the installation of Talend CommandLine 8.0 latest version.

After the successful project upgrade, you can use the newly upgraded Talend 8.0 project to automate the build of Job and Route artifacts using the local CI/CD sandbox environment. Those artifacts can be published to a Talend Cloud workspace and the associated Talend Management Console task is created and configured.

Information noteImportant: This feature should not replace the existing Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process and the usage of any current CI Server. It provides a fast and convenient way to review the project upgrades and test the build and execution of project artifacts in a Talend Cloud test environment before a full-fledged migration to Talend 8 on Talend Cloud.
Here is a list of key concepts:
Key concepts Details
Talend 8 CI/CD sandbox environments

A CI/CD sandbox is an environment dedicated to automating CI/CD tasks.

Here are some properties to remember:

  • It is called sandbox, because it's a local and isolated replica of a CI/CD environment, but simplified for Talend.
  • It does exactly what Talend Studio can do in terms of migration, build, and publication.
  • It does not use Talend Studio for these tasks; instead, it uses Talend CommandLine, which is Talend Studio without the graphic user interface.
Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit automates the local installation of the required tools:
  • Java JDK
  • Git client: Used to clone the Git repository.
  • Maven with additional plugins: Maven is a build automation tool for Java projects.
  • Talend 8 CommandLine
Multiple environments can be installed based on the monthly release of the Talend CommandLine.
Information noteImportant: The automated installation is available only on Windows and Linux. Talend 8 CommandLine is currently not supported on macOS.
CI/CD manifest

A manifest is a list of configurations that defines the CI/CD implementation.

In Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit, you can configure manifests to:

  • Upgrade your source project in a new version of Talend Studio.
  • Build selected Jobs and Routes and publish them to Talend Cloud or your artifact repository.
  • Generate reports.
A CI/CD manifest is composed of four sections:
  • The CI/CD environment version that will be used for the CI/CD execution.
  • The source project: It can be a Git repository information (URL and credentials) or a local workspace path where the Talend project is located.
  • The targets for the CI/CD process: Currently, Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit supports several types of targets:
    • Talend Cloud: Target used to request the publication of project asset artifacts and the creation of the associated tasks. The target configuration references the Talend Cloud Environment and Workspace names, where the artifact will be published, the task name, description templates and engine used by the task.
    • Artifact Repository: Target used to request the publication of project asset artifacts to an Artifact Repository (Nexus3, JFrog Artifactory). The configuration contains all the requested parameters: Repository type (Nexus3 or Artifactory), URL, credentials and repository name.
    • CVE Report: Target used to request the generation of a CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) report of the Talend project.
    • Project Upgrade Report: Target used for the generation of the Talend project upgrade reports based on the version of Talend 8 used by the current CI/CD environment.
  • A list of assets to be processed: Once upgraded, the project opens in a Web version of Talend Studio, where you can select the Jobs and Routes you want to deploy.
CI/CD pipeline

A pipeline is the translation of a manifest into a series of steps to be executed by the CI/CD sandbox.

Each step is the execution of a CI/CD order:

  • Git commands

  • Maven commands
  • Report generation (CVE and upgrade)
Based on the requested targets and list of assets in the manifests, Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit optimizes the number of steps in the pipeline as well as the Maven command parameters used in the steps.

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