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Selecting the tasks and plans

After defining the Talend Cloud environment, you need to select the tasks and plans to migrate. This selection step is represented as a double tree with the list of Talend Administration Center tasks and plans on the left and the current list of Talend Management Console tasks and plans (if any) for the selected environment and workspace, on the right.

About this task

The Talend Administration Center tree shows the task sorted alphabetically and grouped by project names.

Each task of the Talend Administration Center tree displays the following attributes:
  • Talend Administration Center artifact name and version

    Only the Talend Administration Center tasks of type ARTIFACT_TASK are listed. Only the Talend Administration Center tasks with a defined Artifactory Repository GAV (GroupId, ArtifactId, Version) are candidates for the migration because Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit uses the Artifact Repository information to download the task artifact before uploading it into Talend Management Console.

  • Talend Administration Center triggers, if any.

    Talend Management Console supports the migration of multiple triggers. If a task has multiple triggers defined, those triggers will be migrated to Talend Management Console along with the task definition.

  • Task parameters, if any.

The Talend Administration Center tree shows also the execution plans sorted alphabetically. Each plan includes the list of its distinct tasks. If a plan uses multiple instances of the same task, this task will be listed only once.

The Talend Administration Center tree also displays a toolbar where you can search for tasks and plans, enable or disable triggers by selecting the check box for all the tasks and plans in Talend Administration Center tree and enable or disable task parameters for all the tasks.


  1. Talend Administration Center triggers are disabled by default. If you want to migrate the triggers along with the task or plan definition, enable TAC triggers by clicking the check box.
    Select the tasks and plans step with the TAC triggers option enabled
  2. Once Talend Administration Center triggers are enabled, if you select a task or plan, its corresponding triggers are selected as well. Clear them if you don't want to migrate the triggers along with the task or plan definition.
    Information noteImportant: There is no one-to-one mapping between Talend Administration Center trigger and Talend Management Console trigger/schedule. Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit will try to match the definition and will report an error if no match can be found.
  3. In Talend Administration Center, a Job Conductor task can overwrite the default values of the artifact context variables based on the environment where they are deployed. Select the Task parameters check box if you want to migrate Talend Administration Center task overridden parameters (custom value), in addition to the task definition. If you select a task, its corresponding task parameters will be selected as well. You can also clear the task parameters of the task and migrate the original artifact task parameter values.
    Talend Administration Center page with the Custom value column highlighted.
    Talend Administration Center task parameters selected.
  4. Select the tasks to migrate.
    Information noteImportant: Expanding a migrated Talend Management Console task in the Talend Management Console tree removes all the selections from both trees.
  5. Select the plans to migrate. The migration of a plan is similar to the migration of a task. However, when a plan is selected in Talend Administration Center, the dependent tasks are automatically selected as well. If a plan has any trigger defined, that plan also will be migrated by default in a paused state. Once paused, no executions are carried out for these tasks anymore. You can also migrate the selected tasks and plans in a non-paused or executable state.
  6. Move the selected tasks to the Talend Management Console tree by clicking the right arrow in between the two trees.
    Talend Administration Center plans selected.
  7. Click Review.

What to do next

You selected the tasks and plans to migrate. In the next step, you will review your selection.

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