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Updating configuration table settings

You can edit properties manually in the file.

To add a comment in the configuration file, you need to add a new line above the parameter, and start with #. For example:
#lower the value
Configuration property Description Default/min/max value
artifact.repo.actions.retry.delay Set the interval of retry attempts for the Artifact Repository actions if the artifact.repo.actions.retry.attempts parameter is enabled. Default value is 5000.
artifact.repo.actions.retry.attempts Set the count of retry attempts for the Artifact Repository actions, such as getting checksum or downloading an artifact. Default value is 0 (disabled).
jobserver.grantAllProjectAccess Grant any project access when creating a new Job server or virtual server. Default value is true.
repository.connection.timeout Set timeout for the connection to Nexus, Nexus 3, and Artifactory. Default value is 30 seconds.
blocked.paths Set blocked paths.

This parameter is disabled by default.

To change the blocked paths, uncomment the parameter, specify values and restart Talend Administration Center.

Show the environment name in Talend Administration Center UI header.

These parameters are disabled by default.

If the value of is not in the HEX format, it will be ignored and the environment name will be displayed in white.

PROD and #FF0000 are examples for and Reuse locally cached Jobs if the Artifactory (Nexus 2/Nexus 3/Artifact) is down to run successfully tasks. Default value is false.
scheduler.conf.restartTriggersDuringAppStart Pause and resume triggers automatically when Talend Administration Center restarts Default value is false.
artifact.statistics.fromJobInfo Enable or disable statistics from file Default value is true.
userPassword.minLength Minimum password length Default value is 10.
userPassword.maxLength Maximum password length Default value is 128.
scheduler.conf.taskStatusRefreshTime Number of seconds between each task status refresh Default value is 5 seconds.
scheduler.conf.maxConcurrentTaskDeployment Maximum number of concurrent tasks that can be deployed in parallel Default value is 10.
scheduler.conf.uiAutoRefreshFrequency Number of seconds for refresh interval value when enabling auto refresh Default values are 360 seconds for Execute Plan page and 10 seconds for other pages.
scheduler.conf.retryRestartTaskWhenConnectionServerFailed.enable Enable to retry the restart of task when server connection failed Default value is false.
configuration.module.hide Hide the configuration menu Default value is false.
dashboard.conf.taskExecutionsHistory.detailsInfoPopup.uiAutoRefreshSec Number of seconds for refresh interval value for task execution panel Default value is 10 seconds.
scheduler.conf.defaultTimeoutOnUnknowJobServerState Number of seconds set for timeout on unknown task status from Job Server. Default value is 120 seconds.
scheduler.conf.uiFineAutoRefresh Enable auto refresh for UI Default value is true.

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