Data flow processors
The following processors are available to build your data flow and prepare your data.
Filter processor
Filters data based on conditions
Select fields processor
Renames and reorganizes your fields
Join processor
Combines two flows based on one or more keys
Union processor
Appends records from a second flow
Fork processor
Duplicates the data into two identical outputs
Aggregate processor
Performs operations on groups of the data
Sort processor
Sorts the data based on given fields
Remove fields processor
Removes the selected fields
Strings processor
Performs string related operations
Dates processor
Performs date related operations
Numbers processor
Performs number related operations
Math processor
Performs calculations on numbers
Concatenate fields processor
Merges the content of two fields
Split fields processor
Splits fields using a separator
Cleanse processor
Fills or replaces fields with a given value
Hash processor
Hides the original data through hashing
Calculate fields processor
Adds new fields based on Qlik script expressions
Unpivot processor
Unpivots table columns to rows
Window processor
Performs calculations on specific data ranges
Qlik script processor
Creates or transforms inputs using Qlik script