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Clearing your previous Talend Administration Center files

Clearing your previous Talend Administration Center files if you migrate to the same Apache Tomcat server


  1. Using the Apache Tomcat manager, undeploy the previous version of the Talend Administration Center in Apache Tomcat.
  2. Delete all the remnants as well as the Talend Administration Center folder from the Tomcat Web application folder: <TomcatPath>/work/Catalina/localhost/<ApplicationPath>
  3. Delete the content of the <TomcatPath>/temp folder from the Apache Tomcat Web application folder.
    To avoid issues during the first connection to Talend Administration Center, do not delete the temp folder itself.
  4. Flush the browser cache.
  5. Reinstall the Talend Administration Center .war file (org.talend.administrator.war).
    To do this, follow the procedure described in details in the Talend Installation Guide.
    Note that, if you want to rename the Talend Administration Center application during migration, the best practice is to rename the backup of the old application in order to always keep the same URL for the application that is currently installed. For example, rename the backup application org.talend.administrator.old and keep the org.talend.administrator default name for the application that is currently installed.
  6. Restart Apache Tomcat.

Clearing your Talend Administration Center files if you migrate to a new Apache Tomcat server

Before you begin

For more information about upgrading the Apache Tomcat server, see Upgrading Apache Tomcat used by Talend Administration Center.


  1. To avoid port conflicts, make sure the old Apache Tomcat instance as well as the old Talend Administration Center are stopped.
  2. Install the new Apache Tomcat server as well as the Talend Administration Center .war file.
    If you have previously set a CATALINA_HOME system variable, make sure to update it.
    Note that, if you want to rename the Talend Administration Center application during migration, the best practice is to rename the backup of the old application in order to always keep the same URL for the application that is currently installed. For example, rename the backup application org.talend.administrator.old and keep the org.talend.administrator default name for the application that is currently installed.
  3. Restart Apache Tomcat.

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