Migrating to Talend Dictionary Service 8.0.x
Migrating from Talend Dictionary Service 7.x installed with an external MongoDB
Before you begin
You have downloaded Talend Dictionary Service 8.0.
- Stop your instance of the previous version of Talend Dictionary Service but keep MongoDB running.
Open a mongo shell as Talend Dictionary Service
database user and back up the MongoDB instance used for the previous version of Talend Dictionary Service using
the following command:
mongodump -h <mongodb.host>:<mongodb.port> -d <mongodb.database> -u <mongodb.user> -p <mongodb.password> -o <dump_output>
The default value for the embedded MongoDB properties are the following:Property Value mongodb.host localhost mongodb.port 27017 mongodb.database dqdict mongodb.user dqdict-user mongodb.password duser Example
mongodump -h localhost:27017 -d dqdict -u dqdict-user -p duser -o dump\
- Stop your MongoDB instance.
Install MongoDB 4.4 and start it.
Talend Dictionary Service 8.0 uses the 4.4 version of MongoDB.
Restore MongoDB, open a command prompt window and execute the following command:
<mongo_path>/bin/mongorestore -h <mongo_host>:<mongo_port>
-u <mongo_dq_username> -p <mongo_dq_password> -d <mongo_dq_database>
mongorestore -h localhost:27017 -d dqdict -u dqdict-user -p duser dump\
Install Talend Dictionary Service 8.0
with the external MongoDB, and configure it with the same settings as your instance of
the previous version of Talend Dictionary Service,
especially the links to your Talend Administration Center and
point to MongoDB 4.4.
For more information about the Talend Dictionary Service installation and configuration procedures, see Installing and configuring Talend Dictionary Service.
- Open the previous version of the <Tomcat>/conf/data-quality.properties file and the new version.
In the new version of the data-quality.properties file, replace
the following parameter names with the new names:
Previous parameter name New parameter name dq.mongo.host spring.data.mongodb.host dq.mongo.port spring.data.mongodb.port dq.mongo.username spring.data.mongodb.username dq.mongo.password spring.data.mongodb.password dq.mongo.database.name spring.data.mongodb.database dq.mongo.ssl.enabled spring.data.mongodb.ssl dq.mongo.ssl.trust-store spring.data.mongodb.ssl.trust-store dq.mongo.ssl.trust-store-password spring.data.mongodb.ssl.trust-store-password - If you have performed any custom configuration to the previous version of the data-quality.properties file, update the 8.0 version of the file by coping the values from the old configuration file.
Start Talend Dictionary Service 8.0 by
launching, in this order:
- Apache ZooKeeper
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Tomcat (Talend Administration Center server and Talend Identity and Access Management server)
- MongoDB
- MinIO
You are ready to use Talend Dictionary Service 8.0.
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