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Upgrading the Talend projects in Talend Studio

Importing your local projects

Before you begin

You must have downloaded and installed Talend Studio 8.0. For more information, see Installing and updating Talend Studio .


  1. Launch the new Talend Studio you have just installed.
  2. In the login window, select a local connection from the On connection drop-down list and then select Import an existing project and click Select....
  3. In the Import dialog box displayed, import the archive file containing your local projects and click Finish.
  4. Click Finish in the login window, and in the pop-up dialog box displayed, click OK to migrate your project.

    When the migration completes, a CSV report file <timestamp>_<project-name>_Migration_Report.csv that lists all migrated items is generated under the directory <Talend-Studio>\workspace\report\migrationReport_<timestamp>, where <timestamp> designates when the report is generated and <project-name> designates the name of your project, and you will see a dialog box with a link to the report file.

    • Click Run analysis to run the project analysis tool to analyze your migrated project. For more information, see Analyzing projects.
    • Click Not now to close the dialog box.

    The table below describes the information presented in the report file.

    Column Description
    Task name the name of the migration task
    Task description the description of the migration task
    Item type the type of the migrated item
    Path to migrated item the path to the migrated item
    Migration details the details of the migration


The local projects are displayed in the Project list and appear on the Talend Studio Repository view.

For more information on how to export local projects to an archive file, see Saving the local projects.

Retrieving your remote projects

As your existing projects are stored on a remote Git repository, you just need to link it to the new version of Talend Studio to retrieve the projects you have previously created.

Information noteWarning: If your project has any reference project, all reference projects must be migrated before the main project.

Before you begin

You must have downloaded and installed the new version of Talend Studio.


  1. Launch the new Talend Studio you have just installed.
  2. In the login window, select a remote connection from the On connection drop-down list, then select your project from the Select an existing project drop-down list and click Finish.
  3. In the pop-up dialog box displayed, click OK to migrate your project.

    When the migration completes, a CSV report file <timestamp>_<project-name>_Migration_Report.csv that lists all migrated items is generated under the directory <Talend-Studio>\workspace\report\migrationReport_<timestamp>, where <timestamp> designates when the report is generated and <project-name> designates the name of your project, and you will see a dialog box with a link to the report file.

    • Click Run analysis to run the project analysis tool to analyze your migrated project. For more information, see Analyzing projects.
    • Click Not now to close the dialog box.

    The table below describes the information presented in the report file.

    Column Description
    Task name the name of the migration task
    Task description the description of the migration task
    Item type the type of the migrated item
    Path to migrated item the path to the migrated item
    Migration details the details of the migration


The remote projects are displayed in the Project list and appear on the Talend Studio Repository view.

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