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Exporting Excel report templates from Qlik NPrinting to Qlik Cloud

The Qlik NPrinting export feature converts your Excel report templates that are connected to Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows apps. This converted report format can be imported into Qlik Cloud, along with your Qlik Sense apps. Migrated report templates can be edited in the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel and distributed using Qlik Cloud.

Users can export Excel templates:

  • In the Qlik NPrinting web console: You can export all Excel report templates connected to a specific Qlik Sense app.

  • Using the NPrinting API: You can choose to export all reports in a Qlik NPrinting app or a specific selection.


To migrate a report template from Qlik NPrinting to Qlik Cloud you will need: ·

  • Access to the Qlik NPrinting web console with a user that has Export reports permissions.

  • A Qlik Sense app that:

    • Was originally created in Qlik Sense Client-Managed and is connected to Qlik NPrinting.

    • Has been migrated to your Qlik Cloud tenant. You will need the new URL of the app. For information on migrating Qlik Sense apps, see Migrating apps.

      Information noteOnce the Qlik Sense app is uploaded to Qlik Cloud, do not edit the version that is still in Qlik Sense Client-Managed. Changes made to one version of the app will not appear in the other.
  • One or more Qlik NPrintingExcel report templates containing objects from the Qlik NPrinting connection to Qlik Sense Client-Managed. The following are not supported:

    • Reports connected to QlikView documents.

    • Reports connected to multiple Qlik Sense apps.

Information noteThe exported report file will contain settings from the template file in Qlik NPrinting. Qlik NPrinting report settings such as dynamic naming, cycling, and filters are not imported by Qlik Cloud.

Qlik NPrinting template format support

Qlik NPrinting supports XLS, XLSX, and XLSM files as template files via custom templates. All templates will be converted to XLSX format so they can be imported to Qlik Cloud.

Warning note

For security reasons, Excel files with macros (XLSM) will be converted to XLSX and macros will be removed.

Exporting reports in the web console

The Qlik NPrinting web console can export all Excel reports that use a specific Qlik NPrinting connection to a single Qlik Sense app.

  1. Log in to Qlik NPrinting.

  2. From the top menu, select Admin > Export QCS templates.

  3. Use the dropdowns to select the Qlik NPrinting app and Qlik Sense connection.

  4. Type in the URL of the required Qlik Sense app in Qlik Cloud. Remove any trailing / in the URL.

  5. Click Download.

Your browser will download a ZIP file containing:

  • A log file with informative error messages.

  • A subfolder containing all exported report templates in XLSX format.

Information note

Exported files may contain report features that are not supported in Qlik Cloud reporting. To validate your reports against current Qlik Cloud features, see Using reports in Excel with the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Exporting reports using APIs

NPrinting APIs can export all Excel report templates contained in a NPrinting app. You can also choose to export a specific selection of reports.

API specification

For the full specification, see files nprinting-api-yaml or nprinting-api.json.


/apps/{id}/actions/export-templates: post: tags: - ApiApps parameters: - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid - name: request in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AppExportTemplates' responses: '200': description: OK schema: type: object AppExportTemplates: required: - connectionsMap type: object properties: connectionsMap: type: object additionalProperties: type: string type: enum: - Excel type: string reports: type: array items: format: uuid type: string example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

connectionsMap can be used to provide connection mapping when the NPrinting app has multiple connections.

The resulting ZIP file will contain the report templates, organized via subfolder for each different Qlik Sense connection.

reports can be used to provide a list of Qlik NPrinting report IDs that should be exported. Provide the list if you only need to export a subset of your reports working on given connections.

Usage example

The following example uses the JavaScript Fetch function to download only one specific report attached to a Qlik NPrinting connection.

fetch("https://your-nprinting.server:4993/api/v1/apps/977bf78f-4c72-412d-bb26-cd4fc0ec1596/actions/export-templates", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*, application/x-zip-compressed", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,it;q=0.8", "cache-control": "no-cache", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "pragma": "no-cache", "sec-ch-ua": "\"Not.A/Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"114\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"114\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "x-xsrf-token": "YPUrvy9ybRUFkF+L+ga4lt9e8WIcCZV0y8dO5YG/tO8=" }, "referrer": "https://your-nprinting.server:4993", "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": "{\"connectionsMap\":{\"86a10bf3-aab4-4ebd-949f-f99cffaaa328\":\"\"}, \"reports\":[\"fd4f037c-a2f7-44e6-ae90-4dd76a92386c\"]}", "method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }). then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = ""; document.body.appendChild(a); // we need to append the element to the dom -> otherwise it will not work in firefox; a.remove(); //afterwards we remove the element again });

Request URL and body section of the call can be modified to change the export behaviour.

In this example:

  • The ZIP file is:

  • The NPrinting app is: 977bf78f-4c72-412d-bb26-cd4fc0ec1596

  • The Qlik Sense connection is: 86a10bf3-aab4-4ebd-949f-f99cffaaa328

  • The Qlik Sense app has been deployed to Qlik Cloud at:

  • The ZIP file will only contain one selected report template: fd4f037c-a2f7-44e6-ae90-4dd76a92386c. All other reports attached to the connection will not be exported.

Using reports in Excel with the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel

Reports exported from Qlik NPrinting can be used in conjunction with the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel. For more information on the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel, see Building report templates with the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel.

  1. Extract the Excel files from the ZIP file.

  2. Open the files in Excel 365 web or desktop.

  3. Load the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel.

  4. After logging in, a dialogue will open: Migration in progress.

  5. After migrating, a message may appear with a list of objects that are not supported in Qlik Cloud:

  6. If there are unsupported objects, you have two options:

    1. You can leave the report template as is until new features are implemented in Qlik Cloud reporting. Report tags for unsupported features will not be removed and have no effect when the report is published in Qlik Cloud.

    2. You can remove the tags:

      1. Select tags for unsupported features in the Excel sheet.

      2. Remove tag by deleting cell content.

      3. For pages, edit the sheet name to remove the corresponding tag.

Supported and unsupported features in Qlik Cloud

The following table outlines the supported and unsupported Qlik NPrinting Excel template features in Qlik Cloud. Additionally, templates connected to multiple apps are not supported in Qlik Cloud.

Feature support
Feature Support Notes



Filter panes are not supported in Qlik Cloud

Sheet as image















Delete Row










Object Filters


Report can be exported, but the filter will not be applied.

Third party extensions


Neither as image nor as table.

Known issues

When opening an Excel file in Excel 365 web version, static images in the template may not appear. Toggling Editing/Viewing view in the Excel ribbon will restore image visibility.

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