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One of the run statuses for tasks and plans in Talend Management Console. The Misfired status indicates that a task or plan cannot start due to an issue. This is different from the Failed status, which reflects errors during executions.

The Misfired status is not applicable to Routes or data service tasks or plans, for which issues are still shown as Failed.

Common reasons for misfired executions:

  • Engine unavailability:

    Engine is temporarily unavailable due to network issues or lack of resources, causing missed heartbeats. Tasks fail when triggered while heartbeats are missing until the engine becomes available again.

  • Overlapping task executions:

    The same Job is triggered while a previous instance is still running, leading to a conflict. This happens because of scheduling overlaps or the previous execution cannot finish on time due to resource constraints.

Diagnosing the issues:
  • Call the Get task execution status endpoint and check the misfiredExecutionReason field in the response. This provides more detailed information such as:
    • Unavailability of required services
    • Reaching maximum limits
    • Issues with task configuration or dependencies
Potential solutions could be:
  • Ensure the engines have sufficient resources and network connectivity to maintain heartbeats.
  • Reschedule executions to prevent overlapping executions.
  • Increase heartbeat frequency if necessary.

For further information about enabling notifications on misfired tasks or plans, see Email notifications.

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