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Opening a remote project

Before you begin

To open a remote project, you must first create a connection to the repository on which the project is stored and make sure you have access rights to the project.

For more information on setting up a remote connection in Talend Studio, see Talend Data Fabric Installation Guide.

Information noteWarning: To connect to an SVN managed project via a proxy, be sure your proxy does not require authentication. Otherwise your project connection will fail.

About this task

To open a remote project in Talend Studio:


  1. On the Connection area of the Studio login window, select the connection to the repository in which the project is stored from the Connection list.
    Information noteNote:
    • If you are connected with Talend Administration Center and if an update is automatically detected by your Studio, an Update button appears at the bottom of the login window. Click Update to download and install the update. After the installation completes, click the Finish button to restart your Studio so that the newly installed update takes effect.
    • All Talend Studio clients connected to the same project must install the same patch. Otherwise, you cannot connect to the project successfully.
  2. Click the Refresh button to update the list of existing projects, which are the projects allocated to you in Talend Administration Center.
    Information noteNote: If an administrator edits your access rights on a project while you are already connected to this project in the Studio, you have to relaunch the Studio to take these rights into account.
  3. From the project list, select the project you want to open.
  4. From the Branch list, select the trunk (SVN only) or master (Git only), a branch, or a tag, whichever is desired.
    Information noteWarning: A tag is a read-only copy of an SVN or Git managed project. If you choose to open a tag, you can make changes to your project items but you will be unable to permanently save your changes to an item unless you copy the item to a branch or the trunk. For how to copy an item to a branch, see Copying a Job to a branch.
  5. Click Finish to launch the selected project in the Studio.
    Information noteNote: When you work on an SVN or Git managed project, depending on the security policy set for SVN and Git in Talend Administration Center, you may see a dialog box asking you to provide your SVN or Git credentials when the Studio tries to connect to the SVN or Git.
    • If the SVN or Git credentials are managed by Talend Administration Center and the SVN or Git login and password are not specified in user settings or at user creation, you will be prompted to enter your SVN or Git login credentials each time the Studio tries to connect to the SVN or Git.
    • If the SVN or Git credentials are managed by Talend Studio, you will be prompted to enter your SVN or Git login credentials when the Studio tries to communicate with the SVN or Git and you have the option to store your SVN or Git login credentials in the Studio so that you will not be prompted again.

    For more information about security policy configuration for SVN and Git, see the section Setting up the Security Policy for Git and SVN of the Talend Administration Center User Guide.

    A progress bar appears, and the Talend Studio main window opens. A generation engine initialization dialog box displays. Wait until the initialization is complete.

    Upon opening a remote project, Talend Studio checks periodically its connection with Talend Administration Center.

    When Talend Studio detects loss of connection, it tries automatically to reconnect to Talend Administration Center. You can view the connection progress on the Progress tab by double-clicking Check Administrator connection at the lower right corner of the Talend Studio main window. If you click the button at this phase, the project will enter the read-only mode.

    Once Talend Studio detects that you have been logged out by an administrator in Talend Administration Center, a confirmation dialog box appears asking you whether to reconnect to Talend Administration Center.

  6. Click Yes to reconnect to Talend Administration Center.

    Talend Studio will perform an authorization check when trying a reconnection. A warning will be displayed and the project will enter the read-only mode if:

    • you no longer have access to the project you have opened, or

    • you no longer have access to any reference project of the project you have opened, or

    • the number of reference projects of the project you have opened has changed.

    If your access right to the project you have opened has changed from read-write to read-only, or if you click No in the confirmation dialog box, the project directly goes into the read-only mode.

    When the project is in the read-only mode, you can still edit the item or items currently open in the design workspace, and changes you make will be committed to the SVN or Git the next time you log in to Talend Administration Center with read-write access to the project.

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