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Copying a Job to a branch

About this task

A branch always begins life as a copy of something, and moves on from there, generating its own history.

Before being able to use this version control system, the Administrator must create the branches for a specific project from Talend Administration Center. For more information about how to create branches in a project, see Talend Administration Center User Guide.

Once the Administrator has created one or more branches for a specific project from Talend Administration Center, you can, in the same project, copy a Job from the trunk to any of the created branches or vice versa, and copy a Job from one branch to another.
Information noteNote: Because a tag is a read-only copy of a project, you can copy a Job from a tag to the trunk or a branch but not vice versa.

To copy a Job of an SVN or Git managed project to a branch, do the following:


  1. If you are working on a Git managed project, close all open editors.
  2. In the Repository tree view, expand Job Designs and right-click the Job you want to copy to one of the created branches.
  3. Select Copy to Branch from the contextual menu.
    The Copy to branch dialog box appears. This dialog box lists all the Repository items with a selected check box for the source Job, and all the existing branches of the project.
    In this check box, you can select more than one Job to copy.
  4. Select the Job dependencies you want to carry over with the Job, or select the Select dependencies check box to get all the required dependencies automatically selected.
  5. Expand branches, select the branch to which you want to copy the Job and then click OK.
    The selected Job and Job dependencies are copied to the selected branch, with the same Job folder structure automatically created on the target branch.


If the Job you want to copy onto a branch already exists in that branch, a dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can select either of the following two options:



Over Write

Replaces the old Job with the new one.

Compare job

Opens the Compare Result view in the Studio. This view lists the differences in the items used in the two Jobs. For more information on this view and the information presented in it, see Comparing Jobs.

You can follow the same procedure to copy a Job from any of the existing branches or tags to the trunk.

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