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Publishing to Talend Cloud

You can publish Jobs, Routes and Data Services (artifacts) created in Talend Studio to the cloud and make it available to specific or all users of Talend Cloud Management Console.

To publish artifacts from Studio to Talend Cloud through Maven, refer to the Talend Software Development Life Cycle for Cloud - Best Practices Guide.

Before you begin

  • Set the account authentications to the web application in the Studio. For further information, see the Talend Cloud Getting Started Guide.
  • You must have the default Operator role or the Operations - Manage Talend Management Console permission assigned to you in Talend Cloud.
  • You must have the Publish: Publish artifacts permission on the workspace to which you are publishing.
  • Make sure the name of your artifact to be published does not contain any reserved words, such as SNAPSHOT, otherwise the publication will fail.
  • Make sure that the artifact name is different than any task's name in the workspace to which you are publishing. If a task with the same name as the article already exists in the workspace, only the artifact will be published to Talend Management Console and its corresponding task will not be created.

About this task

Once your artifact is published, its corresponding task is automatically created and it can be run by web users in Talend Cloud Management Console. You can create different tasks from the same artifact to run it in different scenarios by changing its context parameter values.

Information noteNote: If you move an already published artifact to another folder in Studio, you cannot republish it to the same workspace in Talend Cloud Management Console as before, as multiple tasks with the same name cannot exist in a single workspace. The artifact will be duplicated, and its associated task will not be created or updated. To avoid an error during publication, you must either change the artifact's name or select a different workspace.


  1. In the Repository tree view, right-click a Job, Route, or Data Service and select Publish to Cloud.

    The Publish to Cloud wizard is displayed.

    If any of the account authentications to the web application is missing from the Studio, the Preferences window opens by default, where you can add the missing information. For further information, see the Talend Cloud Getting Started Guide.

  2. In the Publish With Version field, change the version you want to publish to the cloud if needed.
    This field is automatically filled in with the highest version of the artifact, if several versions are available. You cannot publish an artifact smaller than the latest published version displayed in the Last Cloud Version field.
  3. Select a Workspace.
  4. Select:
    Option Description
    Export Artifact Screenshot Publish a capture of the artifact design to the cloud.

    It is not possible to publish a SOAP Data Service screenshot to the cloud, as there are multiple designs for it.

    Update corresponding Job Task If you have already published the artifact, you can choose to update the task it is used in.
    Information noteNote: Only the task with the same name and in the same workspace as the artifact will be updated in Talend Cloud Management Console. You have to execute or schedule the task with the new artifact version before the change takes effect in the task or a plan.
  5. Click Finish.
    An information bar is displayed to show the progress of the deployment.
  6. Optional: Click Run in Background to continue working in the Studio while the artifact is being published.
    A progress bar is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the Studio to show the percentage of the publishing operation completed. Click the progress bar icon to display the details in the Progress view.


When you publish the artifact, a message is displayed to confirm the publication and to prompt you to open the corresponding task that was created in the web application. Click Open Job Task in the message to open the task in the Task Details page in Talend Cloud Management Console. The task will have the same name as the artifact.

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