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A new context field has been added to the following promotion related endpoints. This optional field contains the description of the circumstances related to a promotion run. The length of this description must not exceed 255 characters.

Method Endpoint Description Query parameters Body example
POST /executions/promotions Runs a promotion. - The request body could be:
  "executable": "57f64991e4b0b689a64feed0",
  "keepTargetResources": true,
  "keepTargetRunProfiles": true,
  "context": "Free text you add to describe the context for a promotion run",
  "advanced": {
    "artifactId": "57f64991e4b0b689a64feed0",
    "artifactType": "WORKSPACE"
GET /executions/promotions/{runId} Gets details of a promotion run. - The response body could be:
  "executionId": "7b2b122e-d6b8-42de-b0ba-fa2f0d36306e",
  "startTimestamp": "2022-01-03T04:40:43.130Z",
  "triggerTimestamp": "2022-01-03T04:40:43.130Z",
  "finishTimestamp": "2022-01-03T04:40:43.130Z",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "userType": "HUMAN",
  "promotionId": "string",
  "pipelineId": "string",
  "keepTargetResources": true,
  "keepTargetRunProfiles": true,
  "context": "Free text added to describe the context for a promotion run",
  "advanced": {
    "artifactId": "57f64991e4b0b689a64feed0",
    "artifactType": "WORKSPACE"

Access these endpoints via You'll find a list of the URLs corresponding to each data center in Accessing Talend Cloud applications.

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