Support for the CRON type trigger has been added to Orchestration API endpoints with
regard to the run configuration of tasks and plans.
- The CRON trigger type and the
cronExpression field have been added to the following
Orchestration API endpoints:
Updated Orchestration API endpoints Method Endpoint Description Query parameters Body example GET /executables/tasks/{taskId}/run-config Gets the configuration details of the scheduled runs of a specific task. - - PUT /executables/tasks/{taskId}/run-config Defines or updates the configuration of the scheduled runs of a specific task. - { "trigger": { "type": "CRON", "cronExpression": "*/10 9 15 * ? 2022", "startDate": "2022-01-26", "timeZone": "Europe/Paris" }, "runtime": { "type": "REMOTE_ENGINE", "id": "${engineId}" }, "logLevel": "INFO" }
GET /executables/plans/{planId}/run-config Gets the configuration details of the scheduled runs of a specific plan. - - PUT /executables/plans/{planId}/run-config Defines or updates the configuration of the scheduled runs of a specific plan. - { "trigger": { "type": "CRON", "cronExpression": "*/10 9 15 * ? 2022", "startDate": "2022-01-26", "timeZone": "Europe/Paris" }, "runtime": { "type": "REMOTE_ENGINE", "id": "${engineId}" }, "logLevel": "INFO" }
- New Orchestration API endpoints have been added to the task and the plan
APIs to retrieve a list of the upcoming scheduled runs, set with the CRON
type triggers only for the time being:
New Orchestration API endpoints Method Endpoint Description Query parameters GET /executables/tasks/{taskId}/run-config/events Gets the next scheduled runs of a specific task. It returns a list of dates and times for each of which a task run is triggered. - from: earliest date and time (in milliseconds) of the timespan in which you search for task runs to take place according to the schedule.
- to: latest date and time (in milliseconds) of the timespan in which you search for task runs to take place according to the schedule
- limit: number of entries to return. The default value is 100 and the value range is from 1 to 100
- offset: the start position of the search, greater or equal to 0
The to parameter is required.
GET /executables/plans/{planId}/run-config/events Gets the next scheduled runs of a specific plan. It returns a list of dates and times for each of which a plan run is triggered. - from: earliest date and time (in milliseconds) of the timespan in which you search for plan runs to take place according to the schedule.
- to: latest date and time (in milliseconds) of the timespan in which you search for plan runs to take place according to the schedule
- limit: number of entries to return. The default value is 100 and the value range is from 1 to 100
- offset: the start position of the search, greater or equal to 0
The to parameter is required.
Access these endpoints via https://api.us.cloud.talend.com/tmc/swagger/swagger-ui.html. You'll find a list of the URLs corresponding to each data center in Accessing Talend Cloud applications.