You just selected the Talend Administration Center server
you want to use. In this step, you will select the administrative assets to
The left panel of this page, Talend On-Premises, lists all the
administrative assets and their respective users and groups authorization. The list shows
only the distinct assets and their respective total number.
The right side panel shows the list of the current assets present on the target Talend Management Console.
Between the two panels, the blue and white arrows indicate the movement of the assets
between the two environments.
Select the asset by selecting the asset check box.
Click the blue arrow to confirm your migration choices.
The selected assets are listed in the Talend Management Console
tree and removed from the Talend Administration Center
You can remove your selection from the Talend Management Console
tree by clearing the check box or by clicking the white arrow which moves the
assets back to the Talend Administration Center
Click the Review button to review and confirm your
What to do next
You selected the administrative assets to migrate. In the
next step, you will review your selection.
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