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Searching for master data records in an entity

You can search master data records pertaining to a specific entity to restrict the number of listed data records and facilitate any further processing, by using the filter on the top of the data record list.

Information noteNote: Depending on the configuration of your SQL database, search for data records in Talend Data Authoring for MDM may be case sensitive. For more information, see

About this task

The following example shows how to search master data records pertaining to the entity Product using the basic and advanced search functions.


  1. Click SELECT A VIEW and select from the list the view over the entity of your interest, Product in this example.
    The records pertaining to the entity are returned and displayed.

    You can select a number from the Show list to set the number of data records you want to display on each page according to your needs, then click the arrows next to the list to navigate through pages.

    You can click the check box on the left side of the column header to select all data records displayed in one page, and you are allowed to select data records across multiple pages.

  2. Click Add filter and from the list displayed, select the attribute from which you want to search data that matches the filter, Name in this example.
    Information noteNote: The attributes available depend on the Searchable Business Elements parameter value defined for the view in Talend Studio.

    For more information, see the description of defining a view in Talend Studio User Guide.

  3. Select an operator used for the search from the operator list which is displayed after you select an attribute, contains in this example.
    The following operators are available in Talend Data Authoring for MDM:
    Operator Description
    Contains Returns a result which contains the word or words entered.

    It only searches for the beginning of a word. For example, searching for in will return initial and invalid while not begin.

    The search on a date type field only works with this operator. The format of the date value entered should be yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S, for example, 2020-02-10 or 2020-02-10 00:00:00.0.

    Equals Returns a result which matches the value entered.
    Information noteNote:
    • When searching for a boolean type field with the true value, data records that contain only the true value are returned.
    • When searching for a boolean type field with the false value, empty value, or any other input value, data records that contain the false and null values are returned.
    Greater than Returns a result which is greater than the value entered.

    Applies to numeric fields only.

    Greater than or equal Returns a result which is greater than or equal to the value entered.

    Applies to numeric fields only.

    Less than Returns a result which is less than the value entered.

    Applies to numeric fields only.

    Less than or equal Returns a result which is less than or equal to the value entered.

    Applies to numeric fields only.

    Not equals Returns a result of any value other than the null value and the value entered.

    It does not support multi-occurrence fields or complex type fields.

    Information noteNote:
    • When searching for a boolean type field with the true value, data records that contain the false and null values are returned.
    • When searching for a boolean type field with the false value, empty value, or any other input value, data records that contain only the true value are returned.

    When defining the search criteria, bear in mind the following:

    • Searches in the master database support the full text search. The full text search is case insensitive and it interprets the search content as a phrase which contains multiple words, and the records that match any of the words will be returned. For example, if the search content is Talend Dog Shirt, the full text search will consider it as three independent words Talend, Dog, and Shirt.
    • The full text search does not support special characters such as @, #, $.
    • The wildcard search, both the single-character wildcard search and the multiple-character wildcard search, is supported.
      • A single-character wildcard ? search looks for terms that match with the single character replaced, for example, to search test and text, you can use te?t.
      • A multiple-character wildcard * search looks for zero or more characters, for example, the search term doc* will match doc, document, and documentation. The multiple-character wildcard can also be in the middle of the term, for example, the search term b*k will match bank, book, and black.
    • If the field is a multi-language field, make sure to use at least three characters in your search value.
  4. Type in the value in the field which is displayed after you select an operator, Shirt in this example.
  5. Click APPLY to perform a basic search.
    Only the products whose name contains Shirt are displayed in the data record list.
  6. If required, click Add filter and repeat the steps above to add as many filters as needed.
    You can click Remove filter (x) at the right side of a filter to remove the filter.

    You can click the operator or the value of a filter to update its value.

  7. If required, click ADVANCED to perform an advanced search.
    Information noteNote: In the advanced search mode, you can click BASIC to revert back to the basic search mode, and the filter and data records list will get reset.

    In the Advanced query field, you can use Talend Query Language (TQL) to create user-friendly queries by chaining more statements to filter and narrow down the search on your data records without dealing with any technical details.

    The query statement is composed of one or more searching conditions in a specific order. The following operators are supported when defining a search condition:

    Operator (TQL symbol) Description
    contains Returns a result which contains the word or words entered.
    = Returns a result which matches the value entered.
    != Returns a result of any value other than the value entered.
    > Returns a result which is greater than the value entered.
    >= Returns a result which is greater than or equal to the value entered.
    < Returns a result which is less than the value entered.
    <= Returns a result which is less than or equal to the value entered.
    not Holds the negation of other queries or operators.
    is empty Returns a result where the field is empty.

    You can also combine or negate conditions by using the boolean operators and and or, or the not operator respectively. Parenthesis are supported to override default boolean precedence.

    Information noteWarning: The operators in the query must be lowercases.

    You should use simple quotes around strings, and precede quotes within a string value with a backslash.

    Below are some sample queries that search for items in Talend Data Authoring for MDM.
    • This sample query searches for all data records in the entity Product whose Name attribute value contains De'Shirt.
      Product.Name contains 'De\'Shirt'
    • This sample query searches for all data records in the entity Product whose Name attribute value contains Shirt and whose Price attribute value equals to 16.
      (Product.Name contains 'Shirt') and (Product.Price = '16')
    • This sample query searches for all data records in the entity Product whose Name attribute value contains Shirt and whose Price attribute value equals to 16 or 18.
      (Product.Name contains 'Shirt') and ((Product.Price = '16') or (Product.Price = '18'))
    • This sample query searches for all data records in the entity Product whose Price attribute value is not equals to 16 or 18.
      not ((Product.Price = '16') or (Product.Price = '18'))
    • This sample query searches all data records in the entity Product whose Family attribute value is empty.
      Product.Family is empty

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