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Promoting artifacts

If required, you can promote only the artifacts that are of interest for you in the source environment.

Before you begin

  • You must be assigned to the promotion.
  • Ensure that no other promotion is running at the same time on the same source and target environments.
  • You must have access to at least one workspace in the target environment.


  1. Open the Promotions page.
  2. Hover over the promotion you want to use and click the Promote icon.
  3. On the Promote page in the Configuration step, select Artifact as the scope of the promotion.
  4. Select the workspace and specific artifact from the drop-down lists.
  5. Optionally, type in any information about the promotion in the Notes field.
  6. Click Analyze.

    The promotion analysis is displayed.

    The object is in one of the following promotion states:
    State Description
    Created The object does not exist in the target environment and will be created.
    Reused The object exists in the target environment with the same version.
    Replaced The object exists in the target environment and will be replaced by the source environment version.
    Failed The object cannot be promoted because of a conflict.
  7. If you agree with the promotion analysis, click Promote.
    Promotion of an artifact.


Depending on the amount of objects to promote, a promotion can take up to 30 minutes.

If the promotion takes more than 20 seconds, the promotion will continue to run in background. You can continue working in Talend Management Console while the promotion is being executed.

You can view its progress from the Status column in the promotion list or from the Promotion run history page.
Promotion Status column.

Once the promotion is done, either successfully or with warnings, you can open the Promotion details panel by clicking the promotion name. In the Run history tab, you can see the details of your last promotion. You can also access the full promotion history by clicking View history.

If the promotion fails, a notification appears on the Promotion analysis page to show the promotion errors.

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