Installing Talend Runtime as a service on Windows
About this task
The Talend Runtime Container is based on Apache Karaf. Karaf Service Wrapper makes it possible to install the Talend Runtime Container as a service.
Installing the wrapper
Install the Apache Karaf Service Wrapper to generate the Talend Runtime service files.
The Talend Runtime service files are generated. You can now install the Talend Runtime service.
Installing Talend Runtime as a service
Before you begin
In the following procedure, TALEND-CONTAINER is the name of the service and is only given as an example.
The Talend Runtime service is created and can be viewed by selecting in the Start menu of Windows.
You can then run the net start "TALEND-CONTAINER" and net stop "TALEND-CONTAINER" commands to manage the service.
To remove the service, type in the following command in the command window: TALEND-CONTAINER-service.bat remove