Installing Talend JobServer as a service on Windows
Before you begin
To do so, edit the parameters as shown
<JobServerPath> refers to the installation directory of the
Talend JobServer application and X to the version number of the packages. If you
installed Talend Studio using
the installer, this path corresponds to
params = 5
param00 = -cp
param01 = c:\jobserver;c:\jobserver\lib\*
param02 =
param03 = -Dtalend_props=<JobServerPath>\conf\
param04 = org.talend.remote.jobserver.service.WindowsJobServer
Information noteNote: Note that the
first parameter indicated is named param00 and not
param01, and that the use of quotes is not required around strings
holding spaces. Note also that every parameter value must be indicated in a separate
The Talend JobServer service is created and can be viewed by selecting in the Start Menu of Windows.
Note that, when shutting down or rebooting Windows, the Talend JobServer service does not stop. In order to avoid issues during start-up, you need to stop the service before shutting down or rebooting your machine.
To remove the service you can enter the following command in the same command window: jsl_static64.exe -remove