Once you back up Talend Dictionary Service, you can recover the data
at any time and have an exact copy of the backed up instance.
Stop your Talend Dictionary Service instance.
You can do the backup while the instance is running, but you are advised to
choose a period of low activity.
Launch MongoDB.
Open a command prompt window and execute the following command to delete the
database in the current instance of Talend Dictionary Service:
<Installation_path>/mongodb/bin/mongo <dbname> -u <userName> -p <userPassword> --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
If you installed
Talend Data Preparation
Talend Data Stewardship with
Talend Dictionary Service using
Talend Installer, the command reads
<Installation_path>/mongodb/bin/mongo dqdict -u dqdict-user -p duser --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
Replace the dump folder of the current instance stored at
<path_to_installation_folder>/dq_dict/database/ with the
dump folder you got from the back up procedure.
From a command prompt window, execute the command to import the backup
directory of the Dictionary service named dump:
on Windows:
on Linux:
To restore your configuration, replace the content of the
folder with your backed up copy.
The Talend Dictionary Service instance
is recovered.