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POST /links

Create a new link.

Creates a new link that enables ODAG navigation from a designated selection app to an app that is instantiated by copying the designated template app, injecting values for bind variables harvested from the selection app and dynamically loaded with data using those binidngs. The Bindings will be initialized by searching the load script of the template app for patterns of the form '$(od_FIELDNAME)[M-N]' where FIELDNAME is the name of a field in the model of the selection app and the optional pattern [M-N] identifies the lower bound M and the upper bound N for the number of values for that field which must be in the active selection state of the selection app for binding to occur. The active selection state defaults to 'selected' (i.e. green) unless the 'od' prefix is immediately followed by some combination of the letters 's', 'o' or 'x', in that order, specifically designating the 'selected', 'optional' (i.e. white) and/or 'excluded' (i.e. gray) groups of values to be harvested from the selection app's selection state. The Bindings of the LinkPayload override the properties of the corresponding field Bindings found in the script of the template app.

Query parameters

Name Description Type

Determines if master charts of template app are included or not in the response


Request Body

A JSON payload containing the content for a new ODAG link.

Name Type Required
name LinkAddPayload Yes
selectionApp LinkAddPayload Yes
templateApp LinkAddPayload
dynamicView LinkAddPayload
rowEstExpr LinkAddPayload
statusSetting LinkAddPayload
bindings LinkAddPayload
properties LinkAddPayload
modelGroups LinkAddPayload


Name Description Type

Successful response: Link created.


Invalid link payload (see detailed error).


Invalid referenced object ID (see detailed error message).


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