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POST /apps/{selAppId}/selAppLinkUsages

Notify the OdagService of the current set of Links referenced by a specific seelection app and return that subset of Links that the current user can access.

To handle the case when a user copies a selection app, each selection app will retain a list of the references to Links it uses in a generic object that is recorded in the app itself. In order to keep track of these usages of links by multiple copies of selection apps, the client will use this API to notify the ODAG Service of the set of Links it retains in each app. This API should be called at least once any time a selection app is opened and once any time a link is added or removed from a selection app. This makes it possible to track usages of Links across selection apps, at least selection apps that are in use by the client. The response to this call will be filtered to include only those links that the current user has privileges to read. Note that a condensed form of these readable links is returned for each link which includes fields such as name, modifiedDate, owner, templateApp, rowEstExpr and status but not fields such as linkProperties or privileges. These more detailed fields should be obtained using a subsequent call to Link.LinkGet.

Path parameters

Name Description Type

The ID of a selection app.


The type of link.


Determines if master charts of template app are included or not in the response


Request Body

A JSON payload containing an array of LinkIds.

Name Type
linkList LinkList Required


Name Description Type

Successful response.

Array of OptLinkStateRef

Invalid selection app ID or link ID supplied (see detailed error message).


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