Pivot Table - AJAX/Webview
The pivot table is one of the most powerful tools for analyzing data. It offers substantial functionality but is still easy to use. Pivot tables show dimensions and expressions in rows and columns, for example in cross tables. The data in pivot tables may be grouped. Pivot tables can show partial sums.
After a reload, any expanded columns in a pivot table will be collapsed.
Pivot Table: Object Menu
The object menu can
be opened as a context menu by right-clicking on a sheet object, or by clicking the icon in the object caption (if shown).
The commands in the menu may vary depending on whether WebView is used from inside QlikView or opening the document in a web browser. The menu contains the following commands:
Command | Details |
Properties... |
Opens the Properties dialog for the active sheet object. |
Notes |
Allows creating and sharing notes about the current object. |
Detach | The chart title is appended with the text “(Detached)” and the chart is no longer updated with selections made in the document (though selections may actually still be made from the chart). The command is available only if the chart is attached. By making a copy of a chart and detaching it, you may make direct comparisons between the copy and the original. |
Attach | Attaches a detached chart. The chart becomes dynamically linked to the data. The command is available only if the chart is detached. |
Expand All | Expands all expandable cells. |
Collapse All | Collapses all collapsible cells. |
Collapse Dimension Rows | Collapses all dimension rows. |
Collapse Dimension Columns | Collapses all dimension columns. |
Clear All Selections |
Clears all the current selections in the active sheet object. Clicking on the |
Copy |
Copies the selected sheet object(s) to the clipboard. This function only copies sheet objects, not data or images. |
Copy cell value to clipboard |
Copies the selected cell value to the clipboard. |
Minimize |
Iconizes the object. Clicking on the |
Restore |
Restores a minimized or maximized object to its previous size and
location. Double-clicking the icon of a minimized object or clicking the |
Maximize |
Enlarges the object to fill the sheet. Clicking on the |
Delete |
Removes the selected object from the sheet. |
Pivot Table Properties
The Properties dialog is opened by selecting Properties from the Object menu. If the Properties command is dimmed, you probably do not have the privileges necessary to perform property changes.
Choose dimensions in the drop-down list. To add a dimension, click . Select a dimension in the drop-down. Use the
icon to move items in the list. The
icon removes items from the list. For more settings, click the More... button.
- Enable Conditional: Marking this check box hides or shows the dimension dynamically, depending on the value of a condition expression entered, by clicking the
button in the edit box below.
- Dimension: Displays the currently selected dimension.
- Label: The label of the dimension. Enter the name you wish to display in the chart. If no text is entered, the label will be automatically set to the expression text. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Suppress Null Values: If this check box is marked, the field selected as Dimension above will not be displayed in the chart if its value is NULL.
- Show All Values: Mark this check box to show all the dimension field values in the chart, including logically excluded values.
- Dropdown Select: If this check box is selected for a field column, a drop-down icon will appear to the left in the column header. By clicking the icon, a list box showing all field values of the field will be opened over the table. It is then possible to make selections and searches in the same manner as if the field had been a row in a multi box.
- Show Partial Sums: Displays partial sums in the sheet object.
- Column Alignment: Click
to open the popup.
- Column Alignment Popup:
- Label: Sets the alignment for the label to Left , Centered or Right.
- Data (Numeric): Sets the alignment for the horizontal label to Left , Centered or Right.
- Data (Text): Sets the alignment for text data to Left , Centered or Right.
- Column Alignment Popup:
- Attribute Expression Styles:
- Background Color: Define an attribute expression for calculating the cell background color of the dimension cell. The expression used should return a valid color representation (a number representing the Red, Green and Blue components as defined in Visual Basic) which is typically achieved by using one of the special chart color functions. If the result of the expression is not a valid color representation, black will be used.
- Text Color: Define an attribute expression for calculating the cell text color of the dimension cell. The expression used should return a valid color representation (a number representing the Red, Green and Blue components as defined in Visual Basic) which is typically achieved by using one of the special chart color functions. If the result of the expression is not a valid color representation, black will be used.
- Text Format: Define an attribute expression for calculation of the font style of text in the table cell for each dimension cell. The expression used as text format expression should return a string containing a '<B>' for bold text, '<I>' for italic text and/or '<U>' for underlined text.
Sets the sort order of the values in the sheet object. Some sort options may not be available for all sheet objects.
If more than one sort order is specified, the sort order will be state, expression, frequency, numeric, text, load order. State refers to the logical state (selected, optional, or excluded).
- Primary Sort: Y-Value: Sets whether the dimension values should be sorted according to the numeric value of the y-axis. This option is not available for calculated dimensions. Frequency: Sorts the field values by frequency (number of concurrences in the table).Numeric Value: Sorts the field values by their numeric values.Text: Sorts the field values in alphabetical order.Load Order: Sorts the field values by the initial load order.
- Secondary Sort: Frequency: Sorts the field values by frequency (number of concurrences in the table).
Numeric Value: Sorts the field values by their numeric values.
Text: Sorts the field values in alphabetical order.
Load Order: Sorts the field values by the initial load order. - Sort by Expression: Sorts the field values according to the expression entered. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Keep Selected on Top: Enable this to keep the selected values on top.
Choose expressions in the drop-down list. To add an expression, click . Select an expression from the drop-down. Use the
icon to move items in the list. The
icon removes items from the list. For more information click the More... button.
- Enable: Marking this check box will enable the selected expression. If the box is not marked, the expression will not be used at all.
- Conditional: Marking this check box hides or shows the expression dynamically, depending on the value of a condition expression entered, by clicking the
button in the edit box below.
- Label: The label of the expression. Enter the name you wish to display in the chart. If no text is entered, the label will be automatically set to the expression text. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Expression: Displays the currently selected expression.
- Comment: Enter a comment to describe the purpose and function of the expression. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Representation:
- Text: No other settings
- Image: Click
to open the popup.
- Image Settings Popup:
- Image Stretch:No Stretch: Displays the image without stretching. This may cause parts of the picture to be invisible or only part of the object to be filled.
Fill: The image is stretched to fit the object area without keeping the aspect ratio of the image.
Keep Aspect: The image is stretched as far as possible to fill the object area while keeping the aspect ratio.
Fill with Aspect: The image is stretched to fill the object area in both directions while keeping the aspect ratio.
Hide Text When Image is Missing: No text will be displayed if QlikView cannot interpret the image reference. - Gauge: Settings for the different Gauge alternatives:
- Gauge Min: Specifies the minimum value of the gauge. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Gauge Max: Specifies the maximum value of the gauge. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Gauge Min: Specifies the minimum value of the gauge. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
- Mini Chart Field: Choose the field for which the expression should be plotted. Click
to open the popup.
- Mini Chart Mode Settings Popup: Mini Chart Mode Settings Popup provides several settings for you to modify.
- Mode: Set the mini chart as sparklines, lines, dots, bars or whiskers.
- Color: Opens the Color dialog, where you can set the plot color of the mini chart.
- Max Value Color: Enable this setting and click
to open the Color dialog. You can set a color for the maximum value.
Min Value Color: Enable this setting and click
to open the Color dialog. You can set a color for the minimum value.
Information noteThis setting is only available when Mode is set to Sparkline.Start Value Color: Enable this setting and click
to open the Color dialog. You can set a color for the start values.
Information noteThis setting is not available for bars and whiskers.End Value Color: Enable this setting and click
to open the Color dialog. You can set a color for the end values.
Information noteThis setting is not available for bars and whiskers.Force 0: Fixes the lower edge of the chart to zero on the axis.
Information noteNot available for whiskers.- Shared Y-Axis Scale: Forces all cells in the column to use the same y-axis scale.
- Link: No other settings.
- Image Stretch:No Stretch: Displays the image without stretching. This may cause parts of the picture to be invisible or only part of the object to be filled.
- Image Settings Popup:
- Column Alignment: Click
to open the popup.
- The popup contains the following items:
- Label: Sets the alignment for the label to Left, Centered , or Right.
- Data (Numeric): Sets the alignment for the horizontal label to Left , Centered or Right.
- Data (Text): Sets the alignment for text data to Left , Centered , or Right .
- The popup contains the following items:
- Visual Cues: Click
to open the popup.
- Visual Cues Popup:
- Upper Limit: Settings for the upper numeric interval value category. The numeric value above which the upper interval of numeric values begins is stated in the edit box. If this box is left empty no upper interval is defined.
- Normal: Settings for the normal numeric interval value category. This interval is defined as all values between the upper limits and lower limits. By default, all numeric values fall within the normal interval.
- Lower Limit: Settings for the lower numeric interval value category. The numeric value below which the lower interval of numeric values begins is stated in the edit box. If this box is left empty no lower interval is defined.
- Visual Cues Popup:
- Attribute Expression Styles:
- Background Color: Define an attribute expression for calculating the cell background color of the dimension cell. The expression used should return a valid color representation (a number representing the Red, Green and Blue components as defined in Visual Basic) which is typically achieved by using one of the special chart color functions. If the result of the expression is not a valid color representation, black will be used.
- Text Color: Define an attribute expression for calculating the cell text color of the dimension cell. The expression used should return a valid color representation (a number representing the Red, Green and Blue components as defined in Visual Basic) which is typically achieved by using one of the special chart color functions. If the result of the expression is not a valid color representation, black will be used.
- Text Format: Define an attribute expression for calculation of the font style of text in the table cell for each dimension cell. The expression used as text format expression should return a string containing a '<B>' for bold text, '<I>' for italic text and/or '<U>' for underlined text.
- Number Format Tab: Each field has a default number format which can be set in the Document Properties: Number page. It is however possible to use a separate number format for an individual sheet object. This property page applies to the active object and contains the following controls for formatting values:
- Number Format: Choose a number format from the alternatives below.
- Default: Both numbers and text. Numbers are shown in original format.
- Number: Shows numeric values with the number of digits set in the Precision field.
- Integer: Shows numeric values as integers.
- Fixed to: Shows numeric values as decimal values with the number of decimal digits set in the Decimals field.
- Money: Shows values in the format set in the Format Pattern field. The default format is the Windows Currency setting.
- Date: Shows values that can be interpreted as dates in the format set in the Format Pattern field.
- Time: Shows values that can be interpreted as time in the format set in the Format Pattern field.
- Timestamp: Shows values that can be interpreted as date + time in the format set in the Format Pattern field.
- Interval: Shows time as sequential time increments (e.g. format = mm shows the value as the number of minutes since calendar start (1899:12:30:24:00).
- Format Pattern: The format code that further specifies the display format of the field. ISO sets the format to the ISO standard. Only valid for Date, Time, Timestamp and Interval. Sys sets the format to the system settings.
- Precision: The number of digits that will be displayed.
- Decimals: Sets the number of decimals included.
- Decimals Separator: Sets the symbol for decimal separators.
- Thousand Separator: Sets the symbol for thousand separators.
- In Percent: Shows formatting in percentage instead of absolute numbers. The setting is only available for Number, Integer and Fixed to.
- Preview: Shows a preview of the number format specified above.
- More.../Less...: Click this button to expand/collapse the foldout that contains additional tabs. Depending on if the Dimensions or Expressions field is active, different tabs are displayed.
Choose a representation in the drop-down list. Depending on which representation is chosen different settings are shown.
Pivot Table Properties: Presentation
This section describes Pivot Table properties.
Indent Mode
If this check box is marked, the pivot table’s left (column) dimensions will be displayed in indent mode. This means that the dimension values will replace the “Total“ label, allowing for a compact display with just small indents between dimensions.
Use Only First Dimension Label
This setting is only meaningful when a pivot table is in indent mode. By marking this check box the dimension label for the first dimension will occupy the entire label row. Dimension labels for subsequent dimensions will not be shown.
Always Fully Expanded
If this check box is selected, all the dimensions are always fully expanded, and the expand/collapse functionality is turned off.
Suppress Expansion Icons in Print
Select this check box if you do not want the ‘+’ and ‘-’ icons for partial expand and collapse to be visible when printing the pivot table.
Selection Indicators
Displays selection indicators (beacons) in the table columns containing fields with selections.
Populate Missing Cells
When this check box is marked, cells in cross tables representing missing combinations of dimensions will be mapped to a regular null value. Thereby it becomes possible to apply expressions testing for null and for attribute expressions and style formats to be applied.
Total Position
Settings for display of totals in the pivot table.
Allow Move Column and Pivoting
Deselect this check box to disable the drag-and-drop pivoting.
Background Color
Sets the background to a color, either a solid color or a gradient. Click
Background Image
Sets an image as background. Click to browse for an image. Click
to open the Image popup.
Image Popup
No Stretch: Displays the image without stretching. This may cause parts of the picture to be invisible or only part of the object to be filled.Fill: The image is stretched to fit the object area without keeping the aspect ratio of the image.Keep Aspect: The image is stretched as far as possible to fill the object area while keeping the aspect ratio.Fill with Aspect: The image is stretched to fill the object area in both directions while keeping the aspect ratio.Horizontal: Left, Centered or Right alignment.Vertical: Top, Centered or Bottom alignment.Transparency: Set the level of transparency by entering a value or by dragging the slider. At 100% the background will be completely transparent.
This section describes the More.../Less... property, which contains the General property.
This section describes the properties in General.
- Style: Choose an appropriate style from the drop-down list.
- Cell Borders: Click
to open the popup.
- Cell Border Settings Popup:
Vertical Dimension Cell Borders: If this check box is deselected all vertical cell borders in dimension cells of the current style will be removed.
- Border Above Spacing: If this check box is marked dimension spacing rows will be
preceded by the same horizontal borders as those below. Furthermore
all vertical borders will be removed within the spacing area.
- Vertical Expression Cell Borders: If this check box is deselected all vertical cell borders in expression cells of the current style will be removed.
- Cell Border Settings Popup:
- Suppress Zero-Values: If this check box is marked, all combinations of the dimension fields returning zero or null from all expressions will be disregarded in the calculation. This option is selected by default.
- Suppress Missing: If this check box is marked, all combinations of the dimension fields associated with only null values in all fields in all expressions will be disregarded in the calculation. This option is selected by default. Turning it off can be useful only in special cases, e.g. if null values is to be counted in a chart.
- Selection Indicators: Displays selection indicators (beacons) in the table columns containing fields with selections.
- Vertical Labels: Displays the column titles vertically.
- Null Symbol: The symbol entered here will be used for displaying NULL values in the table.
- Missing Symbol: The symbol entered here will be used for displaying missing values in the table.
- Wrap Header: The contents of the header will be wrapped in two or more lines.
- Wrap Cell Text: The contents of the data cells will be wrapped in two or more lines.
- Calculation Conditions: The expression entered here sets a condition to be fulfilled for the chart to be calculated. If the condition is not fulfilled, the text 'Calculation condition unfulfilled' will be displayed in the chart. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Font: To set the font type click
- Caption Font: To set the caption font type click
- Active Caption: To set the background color for the active caption click
. To set the text color click
- Inactive Caption: To set the background color for the inactive caption click
. To set the text color click
- Use Border: Mark this check box in order to use a border around the sheet object. Click the
to set the color of the border.
- Border Width: Specify a value or drag the slider to set the width of the border. The width is specified in pixels.
Rounded Corners: Click
to open the Rounded Corners popup.
Information noteRounded Corners is only available if you have selected Advanced Styling Mode in Document Properties: General.
- Rounded Corners Popup:
- Select Fixed or Relative roundness of the corners, and which corners to be affected.
- Select Squareness by entering a value.
- Rounded Corners Popup:
- Scrollbar Width: Specify a value or drag the slider to set the width of the scroll bar. This control affects both the width and the relative size of the scroll bar symbols.
Pivot Table Properties: Caption
This section describes Pivot Table properties.
Label: In the text box you can enter a title to be shown in the caption of the sheet object. If no Label is set, the name of the field will be used if Show Caption is selected.
The value may be entered as a calculated formula.
Click to open the Edit Expression dialog.
Show Caption: When this option has been checked a caption will be drawn at the top of the sheet object. List boxes and other "box objects" will have the option switched on by default whereas buttons, text objects and line/arrow objects will not.
Caption Alignment: Can be Left, Centered, or Right.
Multi Line Caption (Word Wrap): If this option is checked, the text will be displayed in two or more rows.
Number of Rows: If multiple lines are allowed for the caption, specify the number of rows in the input field, or drag the slider to the desired number.
Caption Alignment: Can be Top, Centered, or Bottom.
More.../Less... has one property, Icons in Caption.
Icon in Caption properties
This section describes properties in Icons in Caption.
- Menu: Opens the object menu.
- Clear: Clears all the current selections in the active sheet object.
- Print: Opens the selected sheet object(s) in tabular format in another browser window. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Copy Data: Copies the field values in the sheet object. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Copy Image to Clipboard: Copies the sheet object as an image to the Clipboard. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Send to Excel: Exports possible (including selected) values to Microsoft Excel, which is automatically launched if not already running. The exported values will appear as one column in a new Excel worksheet. For this functionality to work Microsoft Excel 2007 or later must be installed on the computer. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Allow Minimize: When this option has been checked a minimize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that it is possible to minimize the object. Furthermore, this will make it possible to minimize the object by double-clicking the caption.
- Auto Minimize: This option becomes available when Allow Minimize is checked. When Auto Minimize is checked for several sheet objects on the same sheet, all but one will be automatically minimized at any time. This is useful e.g. for alternately displaying several graphs in the same sheet area.
- Allow Minimize: When this option has been checked a maximize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that it is possible to maximize the object. Furthermore, this will make it possible to maximizing the object by double-clicking the caption. If both Allow Minimize and Allow Maximize are checked, double-clicking will effect minimizing of the object.
- Help Text: Here you may enter a help text to be displayed in a pop-up window. This option is not available at document level. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
It is possible to enter e.g. a description of the sheet object. A help icon will be added to the window caption of the object. When the mouse pointer is over the icon, the text will be displayed in a pop-up window. - Fast Type Change: Here you can enable toggling between chart types. Not available for all objects. Click
to open the popup.
- Fast Type Settings Popup: Check the boxes for the chart types you want to toggle between using fast type change.
Pivot Table Properties: Options
Some options may not be available for all objects.
- Read Only: Makes the chart read only, that is selections cannot be made by clicking or painting with the mouse in the chart.
- Allow Move/Size: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to move or resize the sheet object.
- Allow Copy/Clone: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to make a copy of the sheet object. This setting may not be handled by all clients.
- Size Object to Data: Normally the borders around all table sheet objects in QlikView will shrink when selections cause the size of the table to be less than allocated size for the sheet object. By deselecting this check box this automatic adjustment of size will be turned off leaving any surplus space blank.
- Allow Show Info in Caption: When the Info function is in use an info icon will be displayed in the window caption whenever a field value has information associated to it. If you don't want the info icon to be displayed in the caption, you can uncheck this option. Only available for list box, statistics box, multi box and input box.
- Preserve Scroll Position: When marking this check box and the corresponding one in the User Preferences, Objects dialog, QlikView will preserve the vertical scroll position when a selection in table objects has been made.
- Use Show Condition: The sheet object will be shown or hidden depending on a conditional expression which will be evaluated continuously depending on e.g. selections etc. The sheet object will only be hidden when the condition returns false. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Normal: Specify the position of the object by setting Left and Top margins, and Width and Height of the object.
- Minimized: Specify the position of the minimized sheet object by setting Left and Top margins, and Width and Height of the minimized object.
- More.../Less...: The following options are available:
- Owner: Domain and User Id of the owner.
- Share Object: Enable to share objects with other users. Enabling this selection will enable the settings below.
- Share with: Choose either Share with everyone or Share by username.
Users (Domain\UserID): If Share by username is chosen a list with added users will be shown.
To add users click
, a row is added, highlight the row to unlock it and edit the user information. To remove users click
after each user to be removed.