Line/Arrow Object - AJAX/Webview
The Line/Arrow object is a sheet object that draws a line or an arrow in the layout. A line can, for example make the layout clearer by separating the documents into sections.
Line/Arrow: Object Menu
The object menu can
be opened as a context menu by right-clicking on a sheet object, or by clicking the icon in the object caption (if shown).
The commands in the menu may vary depending on whether WebView is used from inside QlikView or opening the document in a web browser. The menu contains the following commands:
Command | Details |
Properties... |
Opens the Properties dialog for the active sheet object. |
Notes |
Allows creating and sharing notes about the current object. |
Copy |
Copies the selected sheet object(s) to the clipboard. This function only copies sheet objects, not data or images. |
Print... |
Opens the selected sheet object(s) in tabular format in another browser window. Clicking on the |
Send to Excel |
Exports possible (including selected) values to Microsoft Excel, which is automatically launched if not already running. The exported values will appear as one column in a new Excel worksheet. For this functionality to work Microsoft Excel 2007 or later must be installed on the computer. Clicking on the |
Export... |
Opens the Save as dialog where path, file name and (table) file type for the exported data content can be specified. |
Delete |
Removes the selected object from the sheet. |
Line/Arrow Properties
The Properties dialog is opened by selecting Properties from the Object menu. This command can also be invoked by the following keyboard shortcut: Alt+Enter. If the Properties command is dimmed, you probably do not have the privileges necessary to perform property changes.
Line Orientation
Sets the direction of the line/arrow to horizontal, vertical or one of two diagonal modes.
Arrow Style
Choose how the arrowhead should be drawn.
To add an action click . The Action Settings popup for the new action opens instantly. It is also possible to select an action in the drop-down and to click
to edit. The
icon moves the items in the list. The
icon removes the items from the list.
Actions Settings Popup
Type: Choose a Type in the drop-down list.
Subtype: Choose a Subtype in the drop-down list. The subtypes available depend on the Action Type chosen.
Action Types and Actions
- Select in Field: Selects the values and fields that are specified. In the Search String you can specify a search mask, e.g. (A|B) will select both A and B.
- Select Excluded: Selects the excluded values in the specified field.
- Select Possible: Selects the possible values in the specified field.
- Toggle Select: Toggles between the current selection and the specified Field and Search String. In the Search String you can specify a search mask, e.g. (A|B) will select both A and B.
- Forward: Goes one step forward in the list of selections.
- Back: Goes back one step in the list of selections.
- Pareto Select: Makes a pareto selection in the specified field based on an expression and percentage. This type of selection is used to select the top contributors to a measure, typically in line of a general 80/20 rule. For example, to find the top customers that contribute to 80% of the turnover, Customer should be used as field, sum(Turnover) should be used as expression and 80 should be used as percentage.
- Lock Field: Locks the selections in the specified field.
- Lock All: Locks all values in all fields.
- Unlock Field: Unlocks the selections in the specified field.
- Unlock All: Unlocks all values in all fields.
- Unlock and Clear All: Unlocks all values and clears all selections in all fields.
- Clear Other Fields: Clears all related fields except the one specified.
- Clear All: Clears all selections except locked ones.
- Clear Field: Clears a specific field.
- Activate Object: Activates the object specified by Object ID. This function does not work in Ajax client.
- Activate Sheet: Activates the sheet specified by Sheet ID.
- Activate Next Sheet: Opens the next sheet in the document.
- Activate Previous Sheet: Opens the previous sheet in the document.
- Minimize Object: Minimizes the object specified by Object ID.
- Maximize Object: Maximizes the object specified by Object ID.
- Restore Object: Restores the object specified by Object ID.
- Apply Bookmark: Applies a bookmark specified by Bookmark ID. If two bookmarks have the same ID, the document bookmark is applied. To apply the server bookmark specify Server\bookmarkID.
- Create Bookmark: Creates a bookmark from the current selection. Specify Bookmark ID and Bookmark Name. Select Hidden to create a hidden bookmark.
- Replace Bookmark: Replaces the bookmark specified by Bookmark ID with the current selection.
- Print Object: Prints the object specified by Object ID. Specify the Printer name if the object should be sent to another printer than the default printer. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
- Print Sheet: Prints the sheet specified by Sheet ID. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.) This function does not work in AJAX client.
- Print Report: Prints the report specified by Report ID. Specify the Printer name if the report should be sent to another printer than the default printer. Mark the check box Show Print Dialog if you want the Windows print dialog to be shown. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
External: Some clients may not handle this setting!
Export: Exports a table containing a specific set of fields, but only those records that are applicable according to the made selection are exported. Click on the Setup button on the Actions page to open the Export Action Settings dialog. This is not available as document or sheet trigger.
Information noteThis function does not work in AJAX client. - Launch: Launches an external program. The following settings can be configured
in the Actions dialog:
- Application: Click on Browse... to find the application that should be launched. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
- Filename: Enter the path to the file that should be opened with the application specified above. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
- Parameters: Specify parameters for the command line from which the application is started. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
- Working Directory: Sets the working directory for the application to be launched. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
- Exit application when QlikView is closed: Forces the application to be closed when QlikView is exited. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Information noteThis function does not work in AJAX client. -
Open URL: You can use Open URL to open a URL to a QlikView document from within another QlikView document (document chaining). This setting opens the URL in the default web browser. This function cannot be used as a document and sheet trigger. If using Open URL, make sure to enter the document name in the action-string in lower case.
Where possible, use Open QlikView Document instead of Open URL.Information noteThe use of Javascript in URLs is prevented by default.You can allow Javascript in URLs by changing the PreventJavascriptInObjectActions parameter in the custom.config file.
Open QlikView Document: You can use Open QlikView Document to open a QlikView document from within another QlikView document (document chaining). This function cannot be used as a document or sheet trigger. For more information, see Document chaining examples.
- Run Macro: Enter the path and name of the macro to be run. Type any name for which it is possible to later create a macro in the Edit Module dialog, or a calculated expression for dynamic update.
- Set Variable: Assigns a value to the specified variable.
- Show Information: Shows the associated information, such as a text file or an image for the field specified by Field. This function does not work in AJAX client.
- Close This Document: Closes the active QlikView document.
- Reload: Performs a reload on the current document. This function does not work both in AJAX client and IE-plugin.
Dynamic Update: Performs a dynamic update of the data in the currently loaded document. The statement for the dynamic update is to be entered in the Statement field.
The intended usage of Dynamic Update allows a QlikView Administrator to feed limited amounts of data in to a QlikView document from a single source without running a reload of the document. Analysis can then be performed by multiple clients connecting to the QlikView Server.Information noteThe uploaded information is stored in RAM only so any data added or updated using Dynamic Update will be lost if a reload of the document is performed.The following grammar describes the possible statements and their components that can be used with the Dynamic Update feature:
- statements ::= statement { “;” statement }
- statement ::= insert_statement | update_statement | delete_statement | begin_transaction_statement | commit_transaction_statement
- insert_statement ::= "INSERT" "INTO" ("*" | table_name) field_list "VALUES" value_list {"," value_list} ["KEY" ["AUTO" | (" (" field_list ")")] ["REPLACE" (["WITH" "ONE"] | "EACH") ]]
- update_statement ::= "UPDATE" ("*" | table_name) set_clause {"," | set_clause} "WHERE" condition ["AUTO" "INSERT"]
- delete_statement ::= "DELETE" "FROM" ("*" | table_name] "WHERE" condition
- begin_transaction_statement ::= "BEGIN" ("TRANSACTION" | "TRAN") [trans_name]
- commit_transaction_statement ::= "COMMIT" ["TRANSACTION" | "TRAN"] [trans_name]
- table_name ::= identifier | quoted_name
- field_list ::= "(" field_name {"," field_name} ")"
- value_list ::= "("value {"," value} ")"
- set_clause ::= "SET" field_name "=" any_valid_non_aggregated_qlikview_expression
- field_name ::= identifier | quoted string
- value ::= identifier | any_qlikview_number | quoted string
- condition ::= any_valid_non_aggregated_qlikview_expression
- identifier ::= any_qlikview_identifier
- quoted_string ::= "[" [^]]+ "]"
UPDATE AbcTable SET Discount = 123 WHERE AbcField=1
Information note To use this feature, Dynamic Update must be allowed both on the Document and on the Server. -
Transfer State: to transfer the selections from the original document to the destination document. The destination document will first be cleared of selections.
Apply state on top of current: to retain the destination document’s selections and apply the original document’s selections on top of them.
Information note Using Apply state on top of current can return unexpected results if the selections made in the two documents are conflicting. -
Open in same Window: to open the new document in the same browser tab when using the AJAX ZFC client.
Information noteOpen QlikView Document action is not supported for non domain users when using the QlikView plug-in. -
If the destination file is in the same folder:
DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in a sub folder:
SubFolder/DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in an upper folder:
../DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in an upper and parallel folder:
../ParallelFolder/DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in a different mount:
../DifferentMount/DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in the same mounted folder:
\Mount\DestinationDoc.qvw -
If the destination file is in a different mounted folder:
\DifferentMount\DestinationDoc.qvwInformation noteDocument chaining with mounted folders does not work with the QlikView plug-in. -
Absolute path to the Local Root folder or mount:
C:\...\DestinationDoc.qvw -
Absolute path to a Network Share:
Document chaining examples
You can use Open QlikView Document to create document chaining.
The following settings can be applied:
QlikView documents: The extension of the destination file must be included. Relative paths to navigate from one QlikView document to another are supported in all clients, as long as the chained documents are stored in the same folder structure (mount).
The following examples show how to write the file path to the destination file:
Example: File located in the same folder structure (same mount).
Example: File located in a different folder structure (different mount). The relative path between different mounts is supported in the Ajax client only.
Example: Using the mount path to point to a QlikView document. Setting the path to mounted folders is supported in the Ajax client only.
Example: Using the absolute path to point to a QlikView document. The use of absolute paths for document chaining is supported in the Ajax client and in QlikView Desktop.
QlikView apps in the Qlik Sense Cloud hub: you need the AppId, not the path. Apps need to be prepared and updated in QlikView Desktop. The AppId is found in the URL when the app is open in the hub.
If the URL is Then the AppId is 1cc71b323f172f93a8121ce1456cdg.
Line/Arrow Properties: Presentation
This section describes Presentation properties.
Line Style
Set the style of the line to Solid, Dashed or Dotted.
Line Weight
Sets the weight of the line.
Background Color
Sets the background to a color, either a solid color or a gradient. Click
Background Image
Sets an image as background. Click to browse for an image. Click
to open the Image popup.
Image Popup
- No Stretch: Displays the image without stretching. This may cause parts of the picture to be invisible or only part of the object to be filled.
- Fill: The image is stretched to fit the object area without keeping the aspect ratio of the image.
- Keep Aspect: The image is stretched as far as possible to fill the object area while keeping the aspect ratio.
- Fill with Aspect: The image is stretched to fill the object area in both directions while keeping the aspect ratio.
- Horizontal: Left, Centered or Right alignment.
- Vertical: Top, Centered or Bottom alignment.
- Transparency: Set the level of transparency by entering a value or by dragging the slider. At 100% the background will be completely transparent.
This section describes Styles in More.../Less...
Line Color: To set the line color click
Caption Font: To set the caption font type click
Active Caption: To set the background color for the active caption click
. To set the text color click
Inactive Caption: To set the background color for the inactive caption click
. To set the text color click
Use Border: Mark this check box in order to use a border around the sheet object. Click
to set the color of the border.
Border Width: Specify the width of the border in the input field, or drag the slider to the desired width. The width is specified in pixels.
Rounded Corners: Click
to open the Rounded Corners popup.
Information noteRounded Corners is only available if you have selected Advanced Styling Mode in Document Properties: General.
Line/Arrow Properties: Caption
This section describes Caption properties.
Caption properties
This section describes Caption properties options.
Label: In the text box you can enter a title to be shown in the caption of the sheet object. If no Label is set, the name of the field will be used if Show Caption is selected.
The value may be entered as a calculated formula.
Click to open the Edit Expression dialog.
Show Caption: When this option has been checked a caption will be drawn at the top of the sheet object. List boxes and other "box objects" will have the option switched on by default whereas buttons, text objects and line/arrow objects will not.
Caption Alignment: Can be Left, Centered, or Right.
Multi Line Caption (Word Wrap): If this option is checked, the text will be displayed in two or more rows.
Number of Rows: If multiple lines are allowed for the caption, specify the number of rows in the input field, or drag the slider to the desired number.
Caption Alignment: Can be Top, Centered, or Bottom.
Icon Caption properties
This section describes Icon Caption properties.
Icons in Caption:
- Menu: Opens the object menu.
- Clear: Clears all the current selections in the active sheet object.
- Print: Opens the selected sheet object(s) in tabular format in another browser window. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Copy Data: Copies the field values in the sheet object. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Copy Image to Clipboard: Copies the sheet object as an image to the Clipboard. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Send to Excel: Exports possible (including selected) values to Microsoft Excel, which is automatically launched if not already running. The exported values will appear as one column in a new Excel worksheet. For this functionality to work Microsoft Excel 2007 or later must be installed on the computer. Some clients may not handle this setting!
- Allow Minimize: When this option has been checked a minimize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that it is possible to minimize the object. Furthermore, this will make it possible to minimize the object by double-clicking the caption.
- Auto Minimize: This option becomes available when Allow Minimize is checked. When Auto Minimize is checked for several sheet objects on the same sheet, all but one will be automatically minimized at any time. This is useful e.g. for alternately displaying several graphs in the same sheet area.
- Allow Minimize: When this option has been checked a maximize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that it is possible to maximize the object. Furthermore, this will make it possible to maximizing the object by double-clicking the caption. If both Allow Minimize and Allow Maximize are checked, double-clicking will effect minimizing of the object.
- Help Text: Here you may enter a help text to be displayed in a pop-up window. This option is not available at document level. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
It is possible to enter e.g. a description of the sheet object. A help icon will be added to the window caption of the object. When the mouse pointer is over the icon, the text will be displayed in a pop-up window. - Fast Type Change: Here you can enable toggling between chart types. Not available for all objects. Click
to open the popup.
- Fast Type Settings Popup: Check the boxes for the chart types you want to toggle between using fast type change.
Line/Arrow Properties: Options
Some options may not be available for all objects.
- Read Only: Makes the chart read only, that is selections cannot be made by clicking or painting with the mouse in the chart.
- Allow Move/Size: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to move or resize the sheet object.
- Allow Copy/Clone: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to make a copy of the sheet object. This setting may not be handled by all clients.
- Size Object to Data: Normally the borders around all table sheet objects in QlikView will shrink when selections cause the size of the table to be less than allocated size for the sheet object. By deselecting this check box this automatic adjustment of size will be turned off leaving any surplus space blank.
- Allow Show Info in Caption: When the Info function is in use an info icon will be displayed in the window caption whenever a field value has information associated to it. If you don't want the info icon to be displayed in the caption, you can uncheck this option. Only available for list box, statistics box, multi box and input box.
- Preserve Scroll Position: When marking this check box and the corresponding one in the User Preferences, Objects dialog, QlikView will preserve the vertical scroll position when a selection in table objects has been made.
- Use Show Condition: The sheet object will be shown or hidden depending on a conditional expression which will be evaluated continuously depending on e.g. selections etc. The sheet object will only be hidden when the condition returns false. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. Click
to open the Edit Expression dialog.
- Normal: Specify the position of the object by setting Left and Top margins, and Width and Height of the object.
- Minimized: Specify the position of the minimized sheet object by setting Left and Top margins, and Width and Height of the minimized object.
- More.../Less...: The following options are available:
- Owner: Domain and User Id of the owner.
- Share Object: Enable to share objects with other users. Enabling this selection will enable the settings below.
- Share with: Choose either Share with everyone or Share by username.
Users (Domain\UserID): If Share by username is chosen a list with added users will be shown.
To add users click
, a row is added, highlight the row to unlock it and edit the user information. To remove users click
after each user to be removed.