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Text functions

You can manipulate strings using the available text functions in Qlik Application Automation.

Upper and lowercase

Change all characters to upper or lower case.

{$} = John

{uppercase:{$}} = JOHN

{lowercase:{$}} = john

Capitalize name

Change the first character in a name (string) to uppercase.

{$} = john doe

{capitalizename:{$}} = John Doe


Removes spaces, line breaks, or characters. Specify which side of the string to rtrim (right) or ltrim (left). Specify an optional character trim as a parameter.

{$.inputs.companyURL} = www. qlik. com

{trim:{$.inputs.companyURL}} =

{trim:{$.inputs.companyURL}, "www."} =

Regex parse

Parses a string from a given text based on a regular expression (regex). The regular expression is a required parameter. Only the first match of the regex is returned. If you want to return all the matches, use regexparseall.

{$.inputs.companyURL} =

\.com(.*) = parses everything after .com

{regexparse:{$.getCompany.url}, "\.com(.*)"} = /us/products

See some examples of common regular expressions.

Regex parse all

Parses a string from a user-defined text based on a regular expression (regex) and returns a list with all matches. This formula supports only one capturing group in the regex. If you only want the first match, use regexparse.

{$.inputs.companyURL} =,,

\.com(.*) = parses everything after .com

{regexparseall:{$.getCompany.url}, "\.com(.*)"} = /us/products, /us/support, /us/about

See some examples of common regular expressions.

Regex replace

Replaces a string based on a regular expression (regex). Each match of the regex is replaced. The new text can have a placeholder $1 to insert the text that matches a capture group from the regex, for example (.*).

{$.inputs.companyURL} =

{regexreplace: {$.inputs.companyURL}, '(.*)ca', '$1com'} =

See some examples of common regular expressions.


Replaces a string.

{$.inputs.address} = 100 Main Street

{replace:{$.inputs.address}, "Street", "St."} = 100 Main St.


Removes a string.

{$.inputs.address} = 100 Main St., Ottawa Ontario

{remove:{$.inputs.address}, "Ontario"} = 100 Main St., Ottawa


Returns part of a string based on a fixed start position and length.

{$.inputs.postalCode} = A1A 2B2

{substring:{$.inputs.postalCode}, 0, 3} = A1A

In the above example, the start position is 0 and the length of the text to return is 3 characters.

String Position

Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified string.

{$.inputs.locations} = Ottawa\nLund\nBoston

{strpos: {$.inputs.locations}, 'Boston'} = 12

Variants of strpos:

  • strrpos: reverse search (right to left, finds the last occurrence of a string)
  • stripos: case-insensitive search
  • strripos: case-insensitive reverse search

Text length

Returns the length of a string. Whitespaces and punctuation are counted.

{$.inputs.postalCode} = A1A 2B2

{text_length:{$.inputs.postalCode}} = 7


Converts a string with special characters to a plain text with ASCII characters only.

Tip note

This is useful for sending data to a platform that does not handle special characters (UTF-8).

{$} = Léo

{toAscii:{$}} = Leo


Converts a string of items separated by either a comma or space into a list. The delimiter and a list limit can be added as parameters. If no delimiter is set, the default delimiter is a comma.

{$.inputs.shoppingList} = apples, oranges, pears, grapes

{explode: {$.inputs.shoppingList}, ',', 100} = [apples, oranges, pears, grapes]

Random Text

Generates random text. This formula is applied to an integer that determines the length of the random text.

{randomText:5} = fptun

Line break

Inserts a line break in a string. The line break formula does not take any parameters.

{$}{$.inputs.address}{$} = John Doe1 Main StreetNew York

{$}{linebreak}{$.inputs.address}{linebreak}{$} = John Doe</br>1 Main Street</br>New York

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