Convert functions
Convert functions can change the data in a placeholder from one type to another.
Converts data from an unspecified data type to Boolean data type.
= true
= true
Country to ISO
Converts a country name (English) to its two-letter ISO code.
= Canada
= CA
ISO to country
Converts a two-letter ISO code to the corresponding country name (English).
= CA
= Canada
Extracts the domain name from the website URL.
Flattens an object with nested properties to a new object without nested properties.
"name": "John",
"address": {
"city": "Paris"
"orders": [
{"id": 55},
{"id": 66}
"name": "John",
"": "Paris",
"": 55,
"": 66
Extracts the host name from the website URL.
National Phone
Normalizes a phone number into a national format by removing the international code.
= +1 (529) 866–7788
= 5298667788
Normalizes a phone number into an international format. A two-character ISO country code parameter is required.
= 498667788
{phone:{$}, 'FR'}
= +33 4 98 66 77 88
Converts data from an unspecified data type to number data type.
= 55
= 55
Converts data from an unspecified data type to object data type.
= 55
"age" : "55"
Converts data from an unspecified data type to list data type.
= 55, 65, 75
= [55
Converts an object into JSON text.
= 55, 65, 75
= [55
When the $.path value is a list with three items, for example, the result will be text such as "[ one
, two
, three
is a variable of type list or a list that is returned by a certain block.
{json: {$.path}}
= [ one
, two
, three
Converts a flat JSON object with key-value pairs into a single CSV line. You can optionally enter the columns and delimiter as parameters.
The CSV convert function will not work properly if the JSON object has nested properties. If you have a nested JSON object, use the flatten convert function first.
= {name
: John Doe
: New York
{csv: {$.inputs.userName}, 'name, location', ','}
= John Doe
,New York
The CSV convert function preserves the order of columns in the CSV file for multiple objects.
"key3": "val 003",
"key1": "val 001"
"key1": "val 011",
"key2": "val 022",
"key3": "val 033"
"key1": "val 111",
"key2": "val 222"
= [ key1
, key2
, key3
Apply the following CSV formulas:
{csv: $.myObject1, $.columns} {csv: $.myObject2, $.columns} {csv: $.myObject3, $.columns}
The CSV convert function returns the following table:
"val 001", ,"val 003"
"val 011","val 022","val 033"
"val 111","val 222"
Base64 encode
Encodes a string to base64.
= John Doe
{base64encode: {$.inputs.userName}}
= Sm9obiBEb2U=
Base64 decode
Decodes a string from base64.
= Sm9obiBEb2U=
{base64decode: {$.inputs.userName}}
= John Doe