The Data quality rules tile gives you insights on the overall
compliance of your data according to the data quality rules. The results of the data
quality rules influence the Completeness and
Validity axes of the Talend Trust Score™.
The values are invalid. They fulfill the condition but not
the validation expression or the rule cannot be executed on
those values. For example, if the rule must compare a string
with a number.
Light green
The values are not applicable. They do not fulfill the
condition and no alternative validation expression has been
The values are valid. They fulfill all rule
Hover over a color to see the total number and percentage of invalid, non-applicable, and
valid values.
Click X datasets to open the right panel and see to which datasets
the rules are applied.
As in the tile, you can see up to three colors: red, light green, and green. Hover over
each color to see the number and percentage of invalid, non-applicable, and valid values in
each dataset. The description of each color is the same as in the tile. See the table above.
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