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Tigris ArgoUML (via UML 1.x XMI) - Import

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor Tigris
Tool Name ArgoUML
Tool Version 0.10 to 0.24
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams) via UML XMI File
Data Profiling
Incremental Harvesting
Multi-Model Harvesting
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection

Tool: Tigris / ArgoUML version 0.10 to 0.24 via UML XMI File
Metadata: [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams)
Component: OmgUmlXmiArgoUml version 11.2.0

This bridge imports data models from XMI (XML Metadata Interchange format) files with objects, attributes, inheritance, types, relationships and diagrams. The actual standard specifications provided by the OMB are often extended for proprietary reasons by the source tool vendor, and in many cases the metadata captured is not everything represented in the file. A high-level description of the metadata coverage is provided in the LIMITATIONS.

To generate an XMI file from Tigris Argo UML uses XMI as its native format. Use the "Save As" entry in the "File" menu to generate the file.


Refer to the current general known limitations at!Documents/mimbknownlimitations.html

If you are using ArgoUML version 0.9, you will need to extract the files from the .zargo archive file.

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File Imports an XML file compliant to the Object Management Group (OMG) Unified Modeling Language (UML) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) file format. There are multiple versions of the UML metamodel and XMI format, therefore make sure you identify the exact OMG UML XMI version produced by your source tool. FILE *.argo   Mandatory


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"Tigris ArgoUML (via UML 1.x XMI)"
Mapping Comments
Name / name  
Argument Foundation.Core.Parameter / Parameter  
DefaultValue Foundation.Core.Parameter.defaultValue / defaultValue  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Kind Foundation.Core.Parameter.kind / kind  
Name / name  
Position   Order in the XMI file
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
Association Foundation.Core.Association / Association  
Aggregation   True if one of the AssociationRoles has Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation / aggregation set to true
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
ExtraConstraint Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint  
Name / name  
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
AssociationRole Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd / AssociationEnd  
CppContainment Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation / aggregation Only mapped for the source Association Role of aggregation Associations. Otherwise the default value is used
CppScope Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
ExtraConstraint Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint  
Multiplicity Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.multiplicity / multiplicity  
Name / name  
Navigable Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isNavigable / isNavigable  
Ordered Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.ordering / Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isOrdered / isOrdered  
Source   Based on the multiplicity of each role
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
Attribute Foundation.Core.Attribute / Attribute  
CppDerived Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'derived' in XMI Toolkit only
CppScope Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility  
CppStatic Foundation.Core.Feature.ownerScope / ownerScope  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
InitialValue Foundation.Core.Attribute.initialValue / initialValue  
Name / name  
Position   Order in the XMI file
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
Class Foundation.Core.Class or Foundation.Core.Interface / Class or Interface  
CppAbstract Foundation.Core.GeneralizableElement.isAbstract / isAbstract  
CppClassType   This property is set to 'InterfaceClass' for Interfaces, to one of the parameterized variants if the Class has parameters, to 'MetaClass' or one of the 'Utility' variants if it has the standard UML 1.3 'metaclass' or 'utility' stereotype respectively
CppConcurrency Foundation.Core.Class.isActive / isActive If this tag contains true then cppConcurrency is set to 'ACTIVE'
CppPersistent Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Set according to the tagged value called 'persistence', as defined in UML 1.3
CppScope Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
Dependency Foundation.Core.Dependency / Dependency Dependencies to or from anything but Classes (e.g. Packages) are not supported. Links between Dependencies and such objects will be ignored and the Dependency deleted if it is invalid as a result
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
DerivedType Foundation.Data_Types.Primitive or Foundation.Data_Types.Enumeration or Foundation.Core.DataType / DataType  
DesignPackage Foundation.Core.Package / Model In Argo/UML mode, all models, except the top level one, represent packages
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
Generalization Foundation.Core.Generalization / Generalization  
CppScope Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility The cppScope property is set to 'implementation' if the Generalization has the standard UML 1.3 'implementation' stereotype
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
GeneralizationRole Foundation.Core.Generalization / Generalization  
Operation Foundation.Core.Operation / Operation Semantics is set according to the tagged value called 'semantics'
CppAbstract Foundation.Core.Operation.isAbstract XMI 1.1 only
CppConcurrency Foundation.Core.Operation.concurrency / concurrency  
CppScope Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility  
CppStatic Foundation.Core.Feature.ownerScope / ownerScope  
CppVirtual Foundation.Core.Operation.isPolymorphic / isPolymorphic XMI 1.0 only
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Postcondition Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint Constraint with the Stereotype 'postcondition' as defined in UML 1.3
Precondition Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint Constraint with the Stereotype 'precondition' as defined in UML 1.3
Semantics Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged value called 'semantics' as defined in UML 1.3
Stereotype Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype  
PropertyElementTypeScope User Defined Property  
Scope UDP Class  
PropertyType User Defined Property  
Name tag Set to the name of the tag
Usage   Set to UML
PropertyValue User Defined Property Used to store tagged values
Name tag Set to the name of the tag
Value value Value of the tag
Realization Foundation.Core.Dependency This is implementated as a simple link between classes in XMI 1.0 and as a Dependency with the Stereotype 'realization' in XMI 1.1 as defined in UML 1.3
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name XMI 1.1. Only
StoreModel Model_Management.Model / Model  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
TypeValue Foundation.Core.Attribute or Foundation.Data_Types.EnumerationLiteral / Attribute  
Description Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name / name  
Position   Order in the XMI file
Value   Set to be equal to the name

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