Microsoft SQL Server Repository 2.1b (via XIF) - Unsupported EOL Bridge - Import
Bridge Requirements
This bridge:is only supported on Microsoft Windows.
Bridge Specifications
Vendor | Microsoft |
Tool Name | SQL Server Repository |
Tool Version | 2.1b |
Tool Web Site | |
Supported Methodology | [Metadata Management] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Physical Data Model) via XIF XML File |
Data Profiling | ![]() |
Incremental Harvesting | ![]() |
Multi-Model Harvesting | ![]() |
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection | ![]() |
Tool: Microsoft / SQL Server Repository version 2.1b via XIF XML File
Metadata: [Metadata Management] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Physical Data Model)
Component: MicrosoftSqlServerRepoXif version 11.2.0
This bridge allows importing metadata from Microsoft Repository via a "XML Interchange Format" (XIF) file.
Microsoft Repository is a part of SQL Server 7 tools.
Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations
Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6
Bridge Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Values | Default | Scope |
File | The generated Microsoft "XML Interchange Format" (XIF) is loaded into the Microsoft Repository via its "Repository Browser" tool. You can open an existing repository using the menu "File / Open Repository". If you don't have an existing repository, you can create one, using the menu "File / New Repository / Microsoft Access". Remember to also create a DSN entry for it using the "ODBC Data Sources" tool in your control panel. You also need to install the required metamodels in the repository (UML.rdm, DTM.rdm, etc.) using the menu "File / Install model File...". Finally, you can create a new model in the Microsoft Repository using the menu "File / Import XML File..." and selecting the generated XIF file. |
FILE | *.xml | Mandatory | |
Auto correct | The XIF file sometimes contain a slightly incomplete or incorrect model. This option allows you to specify whether the bridge should attempt to fix it or not. 'True' Attempt to fix the model. This may involve deleting some elements. 'False' Do not modify the model in any way. If the model is invalid, it will be rejected during the validation process. |
BOOLEAN | True |
Bridge Mapping
Meta Integration Repository (MIR) Metamodel (based on the OMG CWM standard) |
"Microsoft SQL Server Repository 2.1b (via XIF) - Unsupported EOL Bridge" Metamodel MicrosoftSqlServerRepoXif |
Mapping Comments |
Argument | UML:Parameter | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
DefaultValue | UML.Parameter:DefaultValue | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Kind | UML.Parameter:Kind | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Position | Order in the XIF file | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
Association | UML:Association | |
Aggregation | True if one of the AssociationRoles has UML.AssociationRole:IsAggregate set to true | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
AssociationRole | UML:AssociationRole | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
CppScope | UML.Element:Visibility | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Multiplicity | UML.AssociationRole:Multiplicity | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Navigable | UML.AssociationRole:IsNavigable | |
Ordered | UML.AssociationRole:IsOrdered | |
Source | Based on the multiplicity of each role | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
Attribute | UML:Attribute | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
CppScope | UML.Element:Visibility | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
InitialValue | UML.Attribute:InitialValue | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Position | Order in the XIF file | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
Class | UML:Class | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
CppAbstract | UML.GeneralizableElement:IsAbstract | |
CppScope | UML.Element:Visibility | UML.Element:Visibility |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
ClassDiagram | UML:ClassDiagram | Only the diagram object is imported |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
DerivedType | UML.Attribute:TypeExpression or UML.Parameter:TypeExpression | |
DesignPackage | UML:Package | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
Generalization | UML:Generalization | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
CppScope | UML.Element:Visibility | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
GeneralizationRole | UML:Generalization | |
Note | UML:Note | |
Operation | UML:Operation | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
CppAbstract | UML.Operation:IsAbstract | |
CppVirtual | UML.Operation:IsPolymorphic | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name | |
Stereotype | UML:Element.Stereotype | |
StoreModel | UML:Model | |
Comment | xif:ShortDescription | |
Description | xif:Comments | |
Name | xif:Name |