IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA) - Export
Bridge Requirements
This bridge:requires the tool to be installed to access its SDK.
Bridge Specifications
Vendor | IBM |
Tool Name | InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA) |
Tool Version | 6.1 to 9.1 |
Tool Web Site | |
Supported Methodology | [Data Modeling] Multi-Model, Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout via Eclipse Java API on LDM or DBM or DDM XML File |
Tool: IBM / InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA) version 6.1 to 9.1 via Eclipse Java API on LDM or DBM or DDM XML File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Multi-Model, Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout
Component: IbmRationalDataArchitect version 11.2.0
This import bridge generates physical or logical model files (.DBM or .LDM).
The import bridge depends on a set of plugin files that you can find under your Data Architect's plugins directories in version 6.1 or in the shared directory in version 7.
Here is the list of ids for the required plugin files:
Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations
Bridge Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Values | Default | Scope | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Version | The version of Data Architect you want to connect to, which must must be installed on the computer running this import bridge. | ENUMERATED |
Latest | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Directory | Directory where to generate Data Architect physical and/or logical model files (.DBM or .LDM). | DIRECTORY | Mandatory | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Base file name | Base name of the file(s) to produce. The import bridge uses the target directory and base file name in combination with the file extension (.DBM or .LDM) to produce the complete output file pathname. When converting a single model, this import bridge may generate 1 or 2 LDM, DBM files, depending on the 'Design level' parameter and the design level of the source model. The name of these files may be specified in this import bridge parameter, or it will be computed from the source model name. When exporting from multi-model sources, this import bridge may generate many LDM and DBM files, named according to their original names from the source tool. |
STRING | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Design level | Design level of the data model to generate: 'Auto detect' Generates a data model according to the design level set in the source tool. 'Logical only' Generate a Logical Data Model. 'Physical only' Generate a Physical Data Model. |
Auto detect | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target database | Specifies the database type of the generated physical model (if any). Database object 'Type' and 'Version' properties will be set accordingly. All column datatypes will be generated according to datatypes available for that database type. The Tables and Columns names are not automatically changed by this parameter. If the selected database has specific name length constraints, the names may have to be updated manually. E.g. 'Auto detect' The import bridge will attempt to auto-detect the target database from the source model. 'IBM DB2 UDB V9.8' 'Teradata 14.x' |
Auto detect | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Installation directory | The full path to the Data Architect installation directory. This directory is used to search for proper JAR files used by the import bridge. For version 7.x, it should contain the Eclipse 'configuration' directory where the file 'platform.xml' exists. E.g. 'C:\Program Files\IBM\IDA7.6.0' For version 7.6.0 'C:\Program Files\IBM\IDA7.5.2' For version 7.5.2 'C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP' For version 7.5.x 'C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70' For version 7.0.x For version 6.x, it should contain the Eclipse 'plugins' directory. E.g. 'C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\RDA\V6.1' For version 6.1 |
DIRECTORY | Mandatory | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Connection | Allows selecting a connection by name, if the source model contains multiple database connections. If the source model contains multiple connections and this parameter value is left empty, the connection with the most objects is selected. |
Bridge Mapping
Meta Integration Repository (MIR) Metamodel (based on the OMG CWM standard) |
"IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA)" Metamodel IbmRationalDataArchitect |
Mapping Comments |
Name | Label | |
Argument | Parameter | |
DefaultValue | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
Kind | Mode | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | position of the argument in the Procedure or Function | |
Association | Relationship / Foreign Key | |
Aggregation | Identifying / Not Identifying | |
Description | Documentation | Not used |
ExtraConstraint | Not used | |
Name | Label | Not used |
PhysicalName | Name | Not used |
UserDefined | Not used | |
AssociationRole | Relationship / Foreign Key | Two roles are created for each Relationship |
CppContainment | Not used | |
CppFriend | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppStatic | Not used | |
Description | Not used | |
ExtraConstraint | Not used | |
Multiplicity | Existence, Cardinality | |
Name | Verb Phrase, Inverse Verb Phrase / Label | |
Navigable | Not used | |
OnDelete | Referential Integrity: Delete | |
OnInsert | Referential Integrity: Insert | |
OnUpdate | Referential Integrity: Update | |
Ordered | Not used | |
PhysicalName | Not used | |
Position | Not used | |
Source | Identifies the parent side (PrimaryKey) of the relationship | |
Attribute | Attribute / Column | |
Description | Documentation | |
ExtraConstraint | Not used | |
InitialValue | DefaultValue | Not used |
Name | Label | |
Optional | Required / Not Null | Not used |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | position in the entity/table | |
BaseType | Attribute / Column Datatype | No equivalent, Attributes linked to a BaseType are exported with their ItemType set to the equivalent DataType |
DataType | Datatype | see datatype conversion array |
Description | Not used | |
Length | Length | |
Name | Not used | |
PhysicalName | Not used | |
Scale | Scale | |
BusinessRule | Domain Constraint, Entity Constraint, Check Constraint | BusinessRules related to Class and Attribute are exported as Entity Constraint BusinessRules related to user-defined DerivedType are exported as DomainConstraint (LDM). BusinessRules of type TextPhysical and associated to Attributes and Classes are exported as Table CheckConstraints (DBM) |
Description | Documentation | |
LowerBound | Not used | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Type | export Enumeration Constraint if set to ENUMERATED_LIST export Entity Constraint if set to PHYSICAL_TEXT and related to Class or Attribute (LDM). only BusinessRules of type TEXT_PHYSICAL are exported (DBM) | |
UpperBound | Not used | |
Value | Not used | |
CandidateKey | PrimaryKey, AlternateKey, InversionEntry | |
Comment | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
UniqueKey | InversionEntry if set to FALSE (LDM). A UniqueConstraint is created for each CandidateKey A PrimaryKey is created if the CandidateKey is Primary of its Class (DBM) | |
Class | Entity / Table | |
CppAbstract | Not used | |
CppClassType | Not used | |
CppConcurrency | Not used | |
CppMultiplicity | Not used | |
CppPersistent | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppSpace | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
DimensionalRole | Not used | |
DimensionalType | Not used | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
ClassDiagram | Diagram | |
Description | Not used | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Not used | |
DatabaseSchema | Schema | |
Comment | default in LDM | |
Description | Documentation | default in LDM |
Name | Label | default in LDM |
PhysicalName | Name | default in LDM |
DerivedType | AtomicDomain, Attribute DataType | |
DataType | Item type | Use the parent DerivedType as ItemType if it defined as a Domain, otherwise, map the DataType to a base ItemType (see datatype conversion array) |
Description | Documentation | |
InitialValue | Not used | |
Length | create a Length Constraint to represent the length | |
LowerBound | create a MaximumInclusive Constraint to represent the lowerBound property | |
Name | Label | Based on the datatype |
NativeDataType | Not used | |
NativeLogicalDataType | Not used | |
PhysicalName | Name | Derived from the datatype (DBM) |
Scale | create a FractionDigit Constraint to represent the scale | |
UpperBound | create a MinimumInclusive Constraint to represent the upperBound property | |
UserDataType | Not used | |
UserDefined | Only UserDefined DerivedTypes are exported as Domain | |
DesignPackage | Package | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
UserDefined | Only UserDefined DesignPackages are exported | |
ForeignKey | ForeignKey | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Generalization | Generalization | |
CppFriend | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppVirtual | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
GeneralizationRole | Generalization | |
Identity | Identity properties | |
Cycle | Cycle | |
IncrementValue | Increment By | |
MaximumValue | Maximum Value | |
MinimumValue | Minimum Value | |
StartValue | Starting Value | |
Index | Index | |
Clustered | Clustered | |
Description | Documentation | |
Generate | Not used | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Unique | Unique | |
IndexMember | IndexColumn | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | index member position in its Index | |
SortOrder | SortOrder | |
Operation | Function | |
CppAbstract | Not used | |
CppConcurrency | Not used | |
CppFriend | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppStatic | Not used | |
CppVirtual | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | Not used | |
Postcondition | Not used | |
Precondition | Not used | |
Semantics | Source | |
Projection | Diagram Node | |
BackgroundColor | FillColor | |
Bold | Bold | |
FontColor | FontColor | |
FontName | FontName | |
FontSize | FontSize | |
Height | Height | The height is not exported in order to Autosize the box |
Italic | Italic | |
LineColor | LineColor | |
Name | Not used | |
Strike | StrikeThrough | |
Underline | Underline | |
Width | Width | The width is not exported in order to Autosize the box |
X | X | |
Y | Y | |
PropertyElementTypeScope | User Defined Property | |
Scope | Object type the property applies to | |
PropertyType | User Defined Property | |
DataType | set to VARCHAR | |
Description | Not used | |
DesignLevel | Not used | |
Group | Not used | |
InitialValue | Not used | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Not used | |
Position | Not used | |
Usage | only USER properties are exported | |
PropertyValue | User Defined Property | |
Value | Value | |
RelationshipProjection | Diagram Edge | |
BackgroundColor | FillColor | |
Bold | Bold | |
FontColor | FontColor | |
FontName | FontName | |
FontSize | FontSize | |
Height | Not used | |
Italic | Italic | |
LineColor | LineColor | |
LinePoints | BendPoints | |
Name | Not used | |
Strike | StrikeThrough | |
Underline | Underline | |
Width | Not used | |
X | Not used | |
Y | Not used | |
SQLViewAssociation | View Dependency | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
SQLTableSequence | Not used | |
SQLViewAttribute | ViewColumn | |
Description | Documentation | |
Expression | Not used | |
Name | Label | |
Optional | Not Null | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | column position | |
SQLViewEntity | View | |
Description | Documentation | |
DimensionalRole | Not used | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
WhereClause | SQL | |
StoreModel | Package / Physical Data Model | A root Package is created to represent the Model |
Description | Documentation | Not used in DBM |
Name | Label / DBM File Name | |
PhysicalName | Name | Not used in DBM |
SystemMajorVersion | Not used | |
SystemMinorVersion | Not used | |
SystemReleaseVersion | Not used | |
SystemType | Database Type and Version | set to <Logical> for LDM. The value can be overloaded with the "Target database" bridge option for DBM |
SystemTypeOld | Database Type and Version | set to <Logical> for LDM. The value can be overloaded with the "Target database" bridge option for DBM |
StoredProcedure | Procedure | |
CppAbstract | Not used | |
CppConcurrency | Not used | |
CppFriend | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppStatic | Not used | |
CppVirtual | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | Not used | |
Postcondition | Not used | |
Precondition | Not used | |
Semantics | Source | |
Synonym | Alias | |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Trigger | Trigger | |
CppAbstract | Not used | |
CppConcurrency | Not used | |
CppFriend | Not used | |
CppScope | Not used | |
CppStatic | Not used | |
CppVirtual | Not used | |
Description | Documentation | |
FireOnDelete | Delete | |
FireOnInsert | Insert | |
FireOnUpdate | Update | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Postcondition | Not used | |
Precondition | Not used | |
Semantics | SQL | |
TriggerType | ActionTime | |
TypeValue | Value | No equivalent and not exported in RDA DBM, only used in LDM.Each Value of an EnumerationConstraint is imported as TypeValue |
Description | Documentation | |
Name | Label | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | position in the list | |
Value | Name |