IBM DB2 Cube Views - Export
AWS-only features are available at any of the following URLs:,,
Bridge Requirements
This bridge:is only supported on Microsoft Windows.
Bridge Specifications
Vendor | IBM |
Tool Name | DB2 Cube Views |
Tool Version | 8.x |
Tool Web Site | |
Supported Methodology | [Business Intelligence] BI Design (RDBMS Source, Dimensional Target, Transformation Lineage, Expression Parsing) via XML File |
Tool: IBM / DB2 Cube Views version 8.x via XML File
Metadata: [Business Intelligence] BI Design (RDBMS Source, Dimensional Target, Transformation Lineage, Expression Parsing)
Component: IbmDb2CubeViews version 11.2.0
Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations
Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6
Bridge Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Values | Default | Scope | |||
File | This bridge generates an XML file. Use DB2 UDB OLAP Center to load the content of the XML file. 1. Choose 'Import...' from the 'OLAP Center' menu. 2. Type the file name for the model you are loading in the 'File name' text box. 3. Click 'OK'. |
FILE | *.xml | Mandatory | ||||
CubeViews version | Specify which version of the CubeViews software you are using to generate the appropriate XML file format. | ENUMERATED |
8.1 | ||||
Data model Relational Schema name | Specify in which DB2 schema the relational tables are located, as this information may not always be specified by the source tool. Note: DB2 schema names are case-sensitive. |
STRING | ||||||
Dimensional Schema name | Specify in which DB2 schema to create the new dimensional objects. Note: DB2 schema names are case-sensitive. This is a mandatory parameter. |
STRING | Mandatory | |||||
Dimensional modeling detection | When using this bridge to convert a data model created in a data modeling or ETL tool, and forward engineer it to an OLAP/BI model, the dimensional role that has been specified for each table (fact, dimension, outrigger) is used by the bridge in order to infer how those tables are converted into BI facts and dimensions. This parameter controls how the tables dimensional role (fact, dimension, outrigger) is detected, even if the source model did not specify tables dimensional role. 'As defined by source model' Use the tables dimensional role if defined by the source model. 'Autodetect from relational schema' Automatic detection of fact and dimension tables, based on Foreign keys. This algorithm considers tables with only incoming Foreign keys as fact tables. Tables with outgoing Foreign keys are considered dimension tables or outrigger tables depending on the minimum distance (number of foreign key relationships) to a fact table. Tables with no Foreign key relationships to any other tables are considered as dimension tables. 'Manually specified Facts and Dimensions' Manually specify the fact and dimension tables. 'Disabled' No forward engineering to OLAP occurs. |
As defined by source model | ||||
Dimensional modeling detection Fact tables | When using this bridge to convert a data model created in a data modeling or ETL tool, and forward engineer it to an OLAP/BI model, the dimensional role that has been specified for each table (fact, dimension, outrigger) is used by the bridge to infer how those tables are converted into BI facts and dimensions. You can specify the list of fact tables of your model in this option, and the bridge will consider them as a fact when generating dimensions and measures. For example: dbo.Fact1; Fact2 This option is useful if the source tool does not support this notion of table dimensional role, and can be used to work around the limitations of the source tool. The behavior of this option can be combined with the 'Dimensional modeling detection Dimension tables' option, so that some tables are handled as facts and the others as dimensions. |
STRING | ||||||
Dimensional modeling detection Dimension tables | When using this bridge to convert a data model created in a data modeling or ETL tool, and forward engineer it to an OLAP/BI model, the dimensional role that has been specified for each table (fact, dimension, outrigger) is used by the bridge to infer how those tables are converted into BI facts and dimensions. You can specify in this option if the bridge should assume that all tables are dimensions. 'True' The bridge assumes that all tables are dimensions. 'False' The bridge uses the dimensional role specified on each table, if any. This option is useful if the source tool does not support this notion of table dimensional role, and can be used to work around the limitations of the source tool. The behavior of this option can be combined with the 'Dimensional modeling detection Fact tables' option, so that some tables are handled as facts and the others as dimensions. |
BOOLEAN | True | |||||
XML Indentation (pretty printing) | Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g. 'space characters' Several space characters as indentation. 'tab key' Tab character as indentation. 'empty' No indentation which leads to a more compact file. |
STRING | ||||||
Verbosity | This parameter controls the dimensional modeling forward engineering verbosity level. 'False' Normal verbosity. 'True' Additional information is printed in the log. |
BOOLEAN | True |
Bridge Mapping
Meta Integration Repository (MIR) Metamodel (based on the OMG CWM standard) |
"IBM DB2 Cube Views" Metamodel IbmDb2CubeViews |
Mapping Comments |
AggregationRule | Aggregation Script | |
Association | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
AssociationRole | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
AssociationRoleNameMap | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
Attribute | Column | Used to reference the underlying database Column. |
DesignLevel | Not applicable if LOGICAL_ONLY | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Name | if a business name has been set |
BaseType | Not mapped because recomputed by the Cube Views tool | |
Class | Table | Used to reference the underlying database Table. |
DesignLevel | Not applicable if LOGICAL_ONLY | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Name | if a business name has been set |
Condition | Join | Holds the where clause of the join, and traceability to the attributes involved |
DatabaseSchema | Schema | Used in the identification of relational tables, for tables with no schema set, it may be provided as bridge option "Relational Schema" Provided as bridge option "Dimensional Schema" to create dimensional objects |
Name | name | |
PhysicalName | name | |
DerivedType | Not mapped because recomputed by the Cube Views tool | |
Dimension | Dimension, Facts, CubeModel | A CubeModel is created for each dimension of type Fact |
Description | Comments | |
Name | BusinessName | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Type | Type | |
UserDefined | Non user defined dimensions are not exported | |
DimensionAttribute | Attribute | |
Description | Comments | |
Name | BusinessName | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
FeatureMap | Attribute, Measure | |
Operation | Source Column, Expression | |
ForeignKey | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
Generalization | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
GeneralizationRole | Join | May be used in the relational to OLAP forward engineering process |
Join | Join | Joins carrying a simple where clause are exported |
Description | Comments | |
Name | BusinessName | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Type | Type | |
JoinRole | Join | |
Multiplicity | Cardinality | |
Level | HierarchyAttribute | |
LevelAttribute | HierarchyAttribute, RelatedAttribute | |
LevelKey | HierarchyAttribute | |
Measure | Measure | |
DefaultAggregation | Function for all dimensions | |
Description | Comments | |
Name | BusinessName | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
SQLViewAttribute | View Column | Used to reference the underlying database View Column. |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Name | if a business name has been set |
SQLViewEntity | View | Used to reference the underlying database View. |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Name | if a business name has been set |
StoreModel | This bridge exports the model's OLAP dimensions and hierarchies. If the current model is relational only, a forward engineering process (from a relational star schema model into an OLAP dimensional model) takes place before the actual export, using the parameters supplied as bridge options. |