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Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

  • requires the tool to be installed to access its SDK.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor Oracle
Tool Name Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)
Tool Version 10.2 to 11g
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Integration] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Physical Data Model, OLAP Dimensional Model), ETL (Source and Target Data Stores, Transformation Lineage, Expression Parsing, Expression Conversion) via OMB API

Tool: Oracle / Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) version 10.2 to 11g via OMB API
Metadata: [Data Integration] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Physical Data Model, OLAP Dimensional Model), ETL (Source and Target Data Stores, Transformation Lineage, Expression Parsing, Expression Conversion)
Component: OracleWarehouseBuilderOmb version 11.2.0


This bridge requires a working installation of Oracle Warehouse Builder in order to interface with its API. Please ensure that you are able to open OWB and view the metadata objects you are trying to import.

For OWB v. 11.3, please be sure to follow these steps:

1. Copy the following .JAR files from: ${MODEL_BRIDGE_HOME}\java\ to %OWB_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\

2. Copy the ${MODEL_BRIDGE_HOME}\java\Yaml\snakeyaml-1.26.jar to %OWB_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\

3. Copy the ${MODEL_BRIDGE_HOME}\conf\MIRModelBridgeTemplate\OracleWarehouseBuilderOmb\mimbexec.bat file into the same OWB directory.


Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations

Provide a troubleshooting package with:
- the debug log (can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6)
- the metadata backup if available (can be set in the Miscellaneous parameter with -backup option, although this common option is not implemented on all bridges for technical reasons).

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
Host Enter the host name or IP address where the Oracle Warehouse Builder repository server is running. STRING   localhost Mandatory
Port Enter the Oracle Warehouse Builder service port number. NUMERIC   1521 Mandatory
Service Enter the Oracle Warehouse Builder service name. STRING   orcl Mandatory
Repository Enter the Oracle Warehouse Builder Repository name. If this value is omitted the default repository will be used. STRING      
Project Oracle Warehouse Builder Project name to be processed. REPOSITORY_MODEL     Mandatory
User Enter the database user name on whose behalf the connection is being made. Please ensure that you are able to open OWB and view the metadata objects you are trying to import with this username. STRING     Mandatory
Password Enter the password associated with the database username on whose behalf the connection is being made. PASSWORD     Mandatory
OWB version Specifies the version of OWB. ENUMERATED
Auto detect
10g* up to 11gR1
OWB home path The path to the Oracle Warehouse Builder home directory.

The directories are different for OWB 10g and OWB 11g.

- OWB 10g

- OWB 11g
DIRECTORY     Mandatory
Override Override the OWB project if already exists in repository. BOOLEAN
Dimensional modeling detection Select the method for the bridge will use to infer how tables are to be converted into BI facts and dimensions.
Select the method to infer how tables will be converted into BI facts and dimensions.

This bridge can use the dimensional role that has been specified for each table (fact, dimension, outrigger) to infer how those tables are converted into BI facts and dimensions when forward-engineering a data model created in a data modeling, or ETL tool, and forward-engineer to an OLAP/BI model. This parameter controls how the table's dimensional role (fact, dimension, outrigger) is to be determined. The bridge may make such a determination, even if the source model did not specify tables dimensional role.

'As defined by source model'
Determine dimensional role only as defined in the source model.

'Autodetect from relational schema'
Determine dimensional role of fact and dimension tables based on foreign keys.
This algorithm determines a table to be a:
fact table - if the table has only incoming foreign keys
dimension table - if the table has with no foreign key relationships to any other tables
dimension table or outrigger table - if the table has outgoing foreign keys and depending on the minimum distance (number of foreign key relationships) to a fact table

'Manually specified Facts and Dimensions'
Manually specify the fact and dimension tables.

No forward engineering to OLAP occurs.
As defined by source model
Autodetect from relational schema
Manually specified Facts and Dimensions
Dimensional modeling detection Fact tables Manually controls how the tables are assigned the fact dimensional role, e.g.
dbo.Fact1; Fact2
Enter a semi-colon separated list of tables to be represented as fact tables.

This bridge can use the dimensional role that has been specified for each table (fact, dimension) to infer how those tables are converted into BI facts and dimensions when forward-engineering a data model created in a data modeling, or ETL tool, and forward-engineer to an OLAP/BI model.
Dimensional modeling detection Dimension tables Specify whether the bridge should assume that all tables are dimensions.
Assume that all tables are dimensions.

Use the dimensional role specified on each table, if any.

This parameter can be combined with the 'Dimensional modeling detection Fact tables' parameter, so that some tables are handled as facts and the others as dimensions.
Verbosity Specify whether the bridge should use high level verbosity during the dimensional modeling forward engineering process.
Use normal verbosity.

Additional information is printed in the log.


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)"
Mapping Comments
Attribute Column  
Description Column.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
InitialValue Column.DefaultValue  
Name Column.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Optional !Column.NotNull  
CandidateKey Primary Key, Index  
Name Name  
Description Table.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name Table.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Cube Cube  
Description Cube.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name Cube.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
CubeDimensionAssociation Cube.Dimension  
DatabaseSchema OWB Module  
DerivedType ColumnType  
Name DataType  
DesignPackage Module  
Description Module.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name Module.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Dimension Dimension  
Description Dimension.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name Dimension.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
DimensionAttribute DimensionAttribute  
Description DimensionAttribute.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name DimensionAttribute.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Hierarchy DimensionHierarchy  
Description DimensionHierarchy.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name DimensionHierarchy.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Index Index Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123. Index name must be unique within module.
Generate Index.type  
Name Index.Name Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
IndexMember Index.Column  
Name Index.Column.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Level Level  
Description Level.Description  
Name Level.Name  
LevelAttribute Level Attribute Ref  
Description Level Attribute Ref.Description  
Name Level Attribute Ref.Name  
LevelKey Level Attribute Ref  
Measure CubeMeasure  
DefaultAggregation Agregation function  
Description CubeMeasure.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name CubeMeasure.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
Name Project.Name  
SQLViewAssociation View (selected Tables)  
Name Name  
SQLViewAttribute View.Column  
Description View.Column.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name View.Column.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
SQLViewEntity View  
Description View.Description Illegal and new line chars (\n) will be replaced with " " space.
Name View.Name Only alphabetic and digital chars are allowed. Illegal chars will be replacesd with '_'. If name is OWB reserved word the sufix "_RES" will be added. If name is not unique the sufix "_NNN" will be added. The NNN is a number like 123.
WhereClause View. ViewQuery  
StoreModel Project  

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