IBM Rational Rose 7.x (2000e and newer) - Export
AWS-only features are available at any of the following URLs:,,
Bridge Requirements
This bridge:is only supported on Microsoft Windows.
Bridge Specifications
Vendor | IBM |
Tool Name | Rational Rose |
Tool Version | 7.x (2000e and newer) |
Tool Web Site | |
Supported Methodology | [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout via MDL File |
Tool: IBM / Rational Rose version 7.x (2000e and newer) via MDL File
Metadata: [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout
Component: IbmRationalRoseDm version 11.2.0
This bridge generates a IBM Rose Data Model file.
Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations
Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6
Bridge Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Values | Default | Scope | |||||||||||
File | Generates a Rational Rose native MDL file. To load the converted model: 1. 'Open' from the 'File' menu of Rational Rose Data Modeler. 2. Navigate to the file you want to open. 3. Select the Class diagram you want to display. 4. Choose 'Layout Diagram' from the 'Format' menu. 5. Choose 'Autosize all' from the 'Format' menu. |
FILE | *.mdl | Mandatory | ||||||||||||
Select object model data types | Import attribute or argument types: 'Rose C++' 'Rose Java' 'Rose Data Modeler' |
Rose Data Modeler | ||||||||||||
Select object and/or data models | Specify if the imported model will contain: 'Object model only' 'Data model only' 'Object model and data model' |
Object model and data model | ||||||||||||
Select data model target database | The target database that will be used for the data model. 'Auto detect' Auto-detect the target database from the originating model. |
Auto detect | ||||||||||||
Export Foreign key attributes | Export Foreign key attributes: 'True' 'False' The Foreign key attribute will not be created. |
BOOLEAN | False | |||||||||||||
Generate Qualifiers (for object model only) | Generate qualifier to represent Foreign key attributes. 'True' Superseeds the 'Export Foreign key attributes' option. 'False' |
BOOLEAN | False | |||||||||||||
Show constraint in diagram | Show Association and Association Role constraints in diagram. | BOOLEAN | False | |||||||||||||
Use graphical information | Use the graphical information when available to display the classes. | BOOLEAN | True | |||||||||||||
X Scale (in %) for object model diagram | When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions. Controls the horizontal scaling (by percentage) applied to X coordinates in diagrams. The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size. |
NUMERIC | 100 | |||||||||||||
Y Scale (in %) for object model diagram | When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions. Controls the vertical scaling (by percentage) applied to Y coordinates in diagrams. The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size. |
NUMERIC | 100 | |||||||||||||
X Scale (in %) for data model diagram | When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions. Controls the horizontal scaling (by percentage) applied to X coordinates in diagrams. The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size. |
NUMERIC | 100 | |||||||||||||
Y Scale (in %) for data model diagram | When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions. Controls the vertical scaling (by percentage) applied to Y coordinates in diagrams. The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size. |
NUMERIC | 100 | |||||||||||||
XML Indentation (pretty printing) | Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g. 'space characters' Several space characters as indentation. 'tab key' Tab character as indentation. 'empty' No indentation which leads to a more compact file. |
BOOLEAN | True | |||||||||||||
Export graphical information | By default, this bridge will create graphical information for all the objects. When exporting large models, in order to reduce the size of the generated model do not export the graphical information. |
BOOLEAN | True |
Bridge Mapping
Meta Integration Repository (MIR) Metamodel (based on the OMG CWM standard) |
"IBM Rational Rose 7.x (2000e and newer)" Metamodel IbmRationalRoseDm |
Mapping Comments |
Name | Name | |
Argument | Parameter | Parameters of Stored Procedures are mapped |
DefaultValue | Default Value | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Kind | Direction | |
Name | Name | |
Position | Ordinal | |
Association | Relationship | n-ary associations are not mapped. `many to many' associations are not mapped. |
Aggregation | Type | Identifying/Non-Identifying |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Stereotype | Stereotype | |
AssociationRole | Relationship | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
ExtraConstraint | Referential IntegrityConstraint | |
Multiplicity | Cardinality | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Parent/Child Role | |
Source | Parent/Child | |
Attribute | Column, Check Constraint | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
ExtraConstraint | Check Constraint | Check Constraint on Table |
InitialValue | Default Value | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
Optional | Not Null | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | Ordinal | |
BaseType | Column, Check Constraint | |
DataType | Datatype | See datatype conversion array |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Length | Length/Precision | |
Scale | Scale | |
CandidateKey | Key Constraint | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
UniqueKey | Type | "Unique Constraint" if true, "Index" otherwise |
Class | Table | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
ClassDiagram | Data Model Diagram | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Name | |
DatabaseSchema | Schema | All Model Elements are exported in their respective Schema. If they do not have a Schema, they are exported in a default Schema. |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
DerivedType | Domain, Column, Check Constraint | The hierarchy of type is not reproduced |
Comment | Comment | |
DataType | Datatype | See datatype conversion array |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
InitialValue | Default Value | |
Length | Length/Precision | |
LowerBound | Check Constraint | BETWEEN or >= statement |
Name | Domain Name | |
Scale | Scale | |
UpperBound | Check Constraint | BETWEEN or <= statement |
UserDefined | mapped to Domain if true, mapped to attribute properties otherwise | |
DesignPackage | A main package "Logical View" is created if it doesn't exist. | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
ForeignKey | Key Constraint | Type is set to "Foreign Key Constraint" |
Comment | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Index | Key Constraint | If connected to a Key |
Clustered | Clustered | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
IndexMember | Key Constraint | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Position | Order in the file | |
Projection | ClassView | Graphical information |
BackgroundColor | fill color | |
FontColor | font color | |
FontName | font | |
FontSize | font size | |
Height | height | |
Width | width | |
X | x | |
Y | y | |
PropertyElementTypeScope | Type | Type of a Model Property |
Scope | Type | |
PropertyType | Model Property | |
Description | Not used | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Group | Not used | |
Name | Name | |
PhysicalName | Not used | |
Position | Order in the file | |
Usage | Not used | |
RelationshipProjection | AssociationView | Graphical information |
LineColor | line color | |
LinePoints | Vertices | |
X | x | |
Y | y | |
SQLViewAssociation | Dependancy | |
Description | Documentation | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
SQLViewAttribute | Attribute | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Expression | Type | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Position | Order in the file | |
SQLViewEntity | Class | Stereotype is set to "View" |
Description | Documentation | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
WhereClause | SelectClause | Generated if it not a "CREATE VIEW" statement |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Name | |
StoredProcedure | Stored Procedure | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Semantics | Action Body | |
Trigger | Trigger | |
Description | Comment | |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
FireOnDelete | Trigger Event | |
FireOnInsert | Trigger Event | |
FireOnUpdate | Trigger Event | |
Name | Not mapped unless Physical name is empty | |
PhysicalName | Name | |
Semantics | Action Body | |
TriggerType | Trigger Type | |
TypeValue | Check Constraint | The check constraint is applied to the Table |
DesignLevel | No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema. | |
Position | Order in the IN statement | |
Value | Value | Value of each field in the IN statement |