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Generating Jobs from reports

In the Profiling perspective and once you create a report on one or several analyses, you can generate a ready-to-use Job to launch the report.

You can then deploy this Job on Talend Administration Center web application and launch the report from the web application as needed.

For column analyses, you can as well generate Jobs to alert to any threshold violations regarding the thresholds set on indicators used in the specified column analyses.

Generating a Job to launch a report

You can generate a ready-to-use Job on any of the analyses created in Talend Studio and listed in the Profiling perspective.

The generated Job uses the tDqReportRun component. It will be listed under the Job Designs node in the Integration perspective.

Once you generate this Job, you can deploy it on Talend Administration Center web application and execute it remotely without having to open Talend Studio.

Before you begin

A report has been generated on an analysis in the Profiling perspective.


  1. In the DQ Repository tree view, expand Data Profiling > Reports.
  2. Select the reports on which you want to generate a Job.
  3. Right-click your selection and place your pointer on Generate jobs in the contextual menu then select Launch a report.
    Contextual menu of a report.
    The Integration perspective opens on this Job which is listed as well under the Job Designs node in the Repository tree view.
    Job using the tDqReportRun and tLogRow components.
    The Report filenames field points to the technical names of the analyses listed in the selected reports. The Output folder field points to the path of the output folder where to save the report file.
    Information noteNote: If you exported the database connection as a context after generating the Job, click Browse Reports and select the report to be launched again or restart this procedure to be able to launch the report.
    The schema dialog box shows some read-only columns printed onto the Talend Studio console after running the Job. They give some information about the generated reports.
    Information noteNote: When you generate a Job on a report where context groups and variables are used in the data mart connection or the analyses, tDqReportRun follows specific rules to merge the context groups and variables.
  4. In the Run view, select the context in the right panel.
    When a Job is running, the context selected in the Run view is the only one to be taken into account. The context groups in the analysis editor and the Default context group in the Context view are ignored.
  5. Press F6 to execute the Job for test purposes.
    This launches the specified report(s) directly from the Integration perspective.
    If any modifications are done in the analysis after you generate the Job from the analysis report, you must click the Refresh Dependency tab in the basic settings of tDqReportRun before you execute the Job.
  6. Deploy this Job on Talend Administration Center web application.
  7. Launch the Job from Talend Administration Center every time you need to historize the analysis results in the report database (data mart) and save a report file in an output folder.
    If the Job does not run correctly, make sure to click the Refresh Dependency tab in the basic settings of tDqReportRun. This is necessary if any modifications have been done in the analysis in Talend Studio after you generate the Job from the report associated with the analysis.
    For further information about how to deploy this Job on Talend Administration Center and how to execute it without opening Talend Studio, see tDqReportRun.

Generating a Job to alert to threshold violation

Before you begin

A report has already been generated on a column analysis in the Profiling perspective of Talend Studio.

About this task

You can generate ready-to-use Jobs on the reports listed in the Profiling perspective. These Jobs use the tThresholdViolationAlert component to alert to any threshold violations of the thresholds defined on the indicators used in column analyses.

The tThresholdViolationAlert component communicates with the report database that stores the analysis results. It scans the report database looking for the thresholds that are violated in the column analyses listed in the selected report. tThresholdViolationAlert sends the information to the tSendMail component to alert the email recipient(s) to the threshold violations.

Later, you can execute this Job directly from the Integration perspective to send an email to defined people to alert them to threshold violation. The generated Job will be listed under the Job Designs node in the Repository tree view.

To generate a threshold violation Job, do the following:


  1. In the DQ Repository tree view, expand Data Profiling > > Reports.
  2. Select the reports on which you want to generate a Job.
  3. Right-click your selection and place your pointer on Generate jobs in the contextual menu then select Alert threshold violation.
    Contextual menu of a report.
    The Integration perspective opens on the generated Job.
    Job using the tMysqlInput, tThresholdViolationAlert, and tSendMail components.
    The basic settings of the tMysqlInput and tThresholdViolationAlert components are configured according to the connection used in the selected report.
    It is recommended to leave the settings of the tMysqlInput and tThresholdViolationAlert components unchanged. Be careful if you need to edit these settings, otherwise you may have a compile error when you try to execute the Job.
    Information noteNote: In the schema of the database component and the tThresholdViolationAlert component, the DB Type column is empty by default. You do not need to define the type in this column.
    Screenshot showing the empty DB Type column.
  4. Accept propagating the changes when prompted by the system.
  5. Double-click tSendMail to display its Basic settings view and define its properties as needed.
    For more information on this component, see tSendMail.
  6. Press F6 to execute the generated Job and send the threshold violation alert email to the defined people.
    This email holds detail information about the threshold violations in the selected report. It lists the values of the indicators which do not respect the thresholds. It also lists the report name, the analysis name and the analyzed element description (column name, table name and schema name).
    The generated Job is listed as well under the Job Designs node in the tree view of the Integration perspective.
  7. When needed, press F6 to execute this Job and alert to any threshold violation directly from the Integration perspective.

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