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Configuring update repositories

Talend Studio allows you to configure the update repositories for its feature packages and updates.

Before you begin

You must have the predefined Integration Developer role to retrieve the update settings that your administrator configured in Talend Management Console.


  1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to display the Preferences dialog box.
    Alternatively, you can also configure the update repositories in the Preference dialog box opened from the Connections window before logging into a project. For more information, see Managing connections in Talend Studio.
  2. On the tree view in the Preferences dialog box, expand the Talend node and then click Update settings to display the relevant view.
    If you have installed the 8.0 R2022-05 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one provided by Talend, when logging into a project managed by Talend Management Console, Talend Studio automatically retrieves the update settings that your administrator has configured in Talend Management Console, which appear as read-only base and update URLs.

    If you have installed the 8.0 R2023-06 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one provided by Talend, Talend Studio checks and retrieves the update settings your administrator has configured in Talend Management Console in every 15 minutes. The changes in Talend Management Console can take up to 30 minutes to take effect in Talend Studio.

    If Talend Studio detects any update, a tiny red dot will be displayed next to the Feature Manager button on the top left corner and you will receive the update notification in the bottom right corner without restarting Talend Studio.

    For more information about managing the Talend Studio update settings in Talend Management Console, see Managing Talend Studio updates from Talend Management Console.

    For testing purposes, for example, if you want to use your own update settings, select the Use local update settings check box and specify the base and update URLs by following the step below.

    Configure update repositories view.
  3. In the Base URL and Update URL fields, enter the URL of the repository for Talend Studio feature packages and updates respectively.
    Note that if you have installed the 8.0 R2022-05 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one provided by Talend, this step is needed only when you want to use the local update settings.

    Pay attention to the following before configuring the values for both fields:

    • For Cloud, by default, the values of both fields are set to the Talend official sites.
    • For on-premises, by default, the value of the Base URL field is set to the Talend official site, and the Update URL field is empty to avoid conflicts with the settings in Talend Administration Center.

      Note that if the Update URL field is empty, when logging into a project managed by Talend Administration Center, Talend Studio can automatically download the latest update or patch accepted by your administrator in Talend Administration Center to the local folder <Talend-Studio>/patches, and the Update URL field is automatically filled with the local path of the update or patch. For more information, see Downloading and applying an update to Talend Studio via Talend Administration Center .

    • The Base URL field cannot be empty. Talend Studio feature packages are required when installing Talend Studio features. For more information, see Managing features in Talend Studio.
    • If the Update URL field is empty, Talend Studio will not automatically detect and notify you about available updates.

      For more information about how to update Talend Studio, see:

      For more information about the update URL for each Talend Studio monthly update, see Talend Release Notes.

    • You can click Restore Defaults to fill both fields with the Talend official sites.
    • You can create proxy repositories or host the official Talend repositories and fill both fields with proxy or host URLs. For more information, see Setting up update repositories for Talend Studio and Continuous Integration.
    • If you have installed the 8.0 R2023-03 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one provided by Talend and if the basic authentication is enabled for any of the update repositories, select the Enable basic authentication check box under the corresponding URL field and enter your username and password for the corresponding update repository. For more information, see Basic authentication for update repositories in Talend Studio.
  4. Optional: If you have installed the 8.0 R2022-09 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one provided by Talend and if you want to automatically clean up obsolete libraries upon update installation, select the Clean up libraries check box.
    The Clean up libraries check box is also available in the update installation wizard. For more information, see Updating Talend Studio.
  5. Click Apply and Close to save your changes and close the dialog box.

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