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Important plugins

Plugins are extra components that add specific capabilities to the Talend MDM. Talend Studio proposes a list of plugins to be combined with a given Process. These plugins include callJob, groovy, and xslt.

The table below explains some of the plugins listed in the Studio and details their parameters.





Executes a Talend Job on master data (to modify or propagate it, for example).

For further information on the schemas used, see Schemas used in MDM processes to call Jobs.

This plugin executes a local Talend Job.


url: the local Talend Job URL.

Name: name of the input variable.

Value: value of the input variable.
Information noteNote: If you want to view the related Job, click the Open Job button to open it in the Integration perspective.


Calls the groovy script and uses it to process and transform data.

This plugin implements all the capabilities of the groovy script to process and transform data when it receives an Update Report. It can read the XML document, transform data and write in the XML document as well.


Passes an item to Talend MDM workflow engine.

This plugin executes the process created in the BPM perspective in Talend Studio .


-processId: the Id of the process designed in the BPM perspective in Talend Studio .

Information noteWarning: Make sure to enter the complete processId otherwise you will have an error message indicating that the process cannot be found. You can display the complete processId in the General area if you click in the white rectangle that represents the process pool in the BPM perspective.

-processVersion: the version of the process.

-username: the user name for accessing the BPM server.

-password: the password for accessing the BPM server.

-variable(s): the variables which will be used in the workflow. They are

scope: the scope of the variable, process or activity.

activity Id: if the scope is equal to activity.

name: the name of the variable defined in the workflow process or activity.

type: the type of the variable, you can choose String, Boolean or others.

fromItem: is the value that comes from a part of an item, true or false.

xpath: if the fromItem is equal to true.

Information noteWarning: Make sure to enter the variable xpath to enable the workflowtrigger plugin to send the complete variables parameters to the process instance. Otherwise, a processing error message is displayed.

value: if the fromItem is equal to false For information on creating and managing workflows, see Workflows (deprecated).


Passes an MDM context object to Talend MDM workflow engine.

This plugin instantiates a workflow process and sends it an MDM context object.

An MDM context object is a plain ordinary Java object (POJO), which includes the following parameters:

-Context info: the host and port information for connecting to the MDM server.

-Update Report info: the Update Report.

-Entity XML: the entity in XML format.

-XsdSchema: XSD schema of the entity.

You can use the MDM context object in Bonita Groovy editor to:

  • define a global variable, for example, mdm_context.

  • use the mdm_context.getHost() to get the host value.

  • use the mdm_context.getValue(Sting xpath to retrieve the element value.

  • use the mdm_context.setValue(String xpath, Object value) to set the element value.

For more information, see the Javadoc for the MDMContext class, which is available in the Eclipse help under Talend MDM > API Reference.


Transforms an XML document using XSLT.

This plugin implements xslt transformations on an input XML document. It supports XSLT 2.0 and is enriched with cross-referencing capabilities: specific instructions that help to perform on the fly cross-referencing on any master data stored in the MDM Hub. When the output method of the XSLT is set to xml or to xhtml. Cross-referencing is carried out after the XSLT is processed on all elements with the following attributes:

     xrefIn='TEST1, ..., TESTN'

Below is a definition of each of these attributes:

-xrefCluster: the container (cluster) where the items used for cross-referencing are stored.

-xrefIn: a series of XPaths tests to match this item content with a remote item.

-xrefOut: the XPath in the remote item, starting with the entity (concept) name, of the content that will replace the content of this item.

-xrefIgnore: optional, defaults to false. If set to true, the cross referencing will not fail if no item is found and the xrefDefault value will be inserted.

-xrefDefault: if xrefIgnore is set to true and the cross-referencing fails, this value will be used instead.

Input variables:

-xml: the xml on which to apply the XSLT.

-parameters: optional input parameters to the XSLT in the form of:


Output variables:

- text: the result of the XSLT.

For an example on this plugin, see Example of the xslt plugin.

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