Creating a Business Model
- Big Data
- Big Data Platform
- Data Fabric
- Data Integration
- Data Management Platform
- Data Services Platform
- MDM Platform
- Real-Time Big Data Platform
In the Repository tree view of the
right-click the Business Models node and select
Create Business Model.
Enter the Business Model properties according to the following table:
Name of the new Business Model. A message comes up if you enter prohibited characters.
Business Model purpose or any useful information regarding the Business Model use.
Business Model description.
Read-only field that shows by default the current user login.
Read-only field that shows by default the login of the user who owns the lock on the current Business Model. This field is empty when you are creating a Business Model and has data only when you are editing the properties of an existing Business Model.
Read-only field. You can manually increment the version using the M and m buttons.
List to select from the status of the Business Model you are creating.
List to select from the folder in which the Business Model will be created.
The Modeler opens up on the empty design workspace.
You can create as many models as you want and open them all.The Modeler is made of the following panels:
the Integration perspective's design workspace
a Palette of shapes and lines specific to the business modeling
the Business Model panel showing specific information about all or part of the model.
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