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Migrating the distant database

By default, Talend Studio stores the reports and analyses in an embedded HSQL database unless you define a distant database from the Preferences window.

When you launch Talend Studio for the first time, the database settings in the Preferences window of the studio always refers to HSQL. If you start by defining the distant database in the new Talend Studio before importing your reports or projects from an older version, you do not need to migrate the distant database to be able to generate reports from the current studio and store them in the defined database.

However, if you import your reports or project from an older version ofTalend Studio before setting the distant database in the Preferences window, you must migrate the database in order to be able to generate reports and store them in the defined database. The version of the distant database must always match the version of Talend Studio.

Before you begin, you have already migrated your reports or your project from an older version of Talend Studio as outlined in Importing data profiling items or projects.

To migrate the distant database from the Preferences window, do the following:

  1. In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences to display the Preferences window.
  2. Expand Talend > Profiling and then select Reporting to open the Reporting page.
  3. Set the distant database connection information and click Apply.

    A warning message is displayed to prompt you to migrate the database.

    Information noteNote: Apply to report editors... button in the You can do a mass database upgrade only for a group of reports and not all of them if you click the Preferences window.
  4. Click OK to confirm the database migration and close the warning message.

    You can do a mass database upgrade only for a group of reports and not all ofAn information bar is displayed to show the progress of the operation followed by a message that confirms the database upgrade.

  5. Click OK to close the confirmation message and the Preferences window.

  6. In the DQ Repository tree view and under the DB Connections node, right-click the MySQL or Oracle connection you defined and select Reload database list.

    This will list the newly created database in the connection list in the DQ Repository tree view. All generated reports in the current studio will be stored in this database unless different databases are defined in the report editor for different reports.

To migrate the database for an individual report from the report editor, do the following:

  1. In the DQ Repository tree view, expand Reports and double-click the report whose database you want to migrate.

  2. At the bottom of the editor and in the Database Connection Settings view, set in the fields the settings of the database of your choice and click Check.

    If the report database version does not match that of the studio, a message prompts you to migrate the report database.

  3. Click OK to confirm the database migration and close the message.

    An information bar is displayed to show the progress of the operation followed by a message that confirms the database upgrade.

  4. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

    A new report database that matches the current studio version is created.

  5. In the DQ Repository tree view and under the DB Connections node, right-click the MySQL or Oracle connection you defined and select Reload database list.

    This will list the new report database in the connection list in the DQ Repository tree view. The generated current report will be stored in the defined database.

    Information noteNote: If you have imported many reports in your current studio, you can do a mass database upgrade for a group of reports as this will be less time consuming.

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