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Publishing ESB artifacts to a local Docker registry


  1. Open a command prompt or terminal and execute the following command to build and install artifacts on a local Docker registry.
    $ mvn -Dgeneration.type=local -Dproduct.path=<STUDIO_HOME> -s <STUDIO_HOME>/configuration/maven_settings.xml \
    						install -Pdocker \
    						-f <GIT_PROJECT_PATH>/<STUDIO_PROJECT>/poms \
    						-pl jobs/process/demorest_0.1,jobs/routes/demorestroute_0.1,jobs/routes/directsedademo_0.1
    						[INFO] Scanning for projects...
    						[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    						[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DemoREST-0.1.0 (0.1,Jobs) Microservice Jar           [jar]
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DirectSEDADemo-0.1.0 (0.1,Routes) Microservice Jar   [jar]
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DemoRESTRoute-0.1.0 (0.1,Routes) Microservice Jar    [jar]
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorest:latest]: Created docker-build.tar in 6 seconds
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorest:latest]: Built image sha256:755fc
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorest:latest]: Tag with 0.1.0
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/directsedademo:latest]: Created docker-build.tar in 5 seconds
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/directsedademo:latest]: Built image sha256:cd71e
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/directsedademo:latest]: Tag with 0.1.0
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorestroute:latest]: Created docker-build.tar in 6 seconds
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorestroute:latest]: Built image sha256:3a1a0
    						[INFO] F8: [<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorestroute:latest]: Tag with 0.1.0
    						[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    						[INFO] Reactor Summary for <STUDIO_PROJECT> DemoREST-0.1.0 (0.1,Jobs) Microservice Jar 0.1.0:
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DemoREST-0.1.0 (0.1,Jobs) Microservice Jar SUCCESS [02:11 min]
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DirectSEDADemo-0.1.0 (0.1,Routes) Microservice Jar SUCCESS [ 24.326 s]
    						[INFO] <STUDIO_PROJECT> DemoRESTRoute-0.1.0 (0.1,Routes) Microservice Jar SUCCESS [ 28.643 s]
    						[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    						[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    						[INFO] Total time:  03:08 min
    						[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-12T10:18:46+02:00
    						[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • <STUDIO_HOME> corresponds to the Talend Studio installation path
    • <GIT_PROJECT_PATH> corresponds to the Git project path or Git clone result
    • <STUDIO_PROJECT> corresponds to the Talend Studio project name that is the same as the Git project name. Project names must be in upper case.
    Information noteTip: Use the -Dstudio.prometheus.metrics=true command while publishing to Docker in order to expose Camel metrics to Prometheus and provide more details about the deployed Routes (number of processed exchanges, number of errors, requests per seconds, etc).
  2. Execute the docker images command to list the images on your local Docker registry and check that the new images have been pushed.


    $ docker images
    						REPOSITORY                                                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorestroute                                                0.1.0               3a1a006250c7        1 minute ago        265MB
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorestroute                                                latest              3a1a006250c7        1 minute ago        265MB
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/directsedademo                                               0.1.0               cd71e28cca55        1 minute ago        243MB
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/directsedademo                                               latest              cd71e28cca55        1 minute ago        243MB
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorest                                                     0.1.0               755fc677f6ef        1 minute ago        307MB
    						<STUDIO_PROJECT>/demorest                                                     latest              755fc677f6ef        1 minute ago        307MB

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