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Talend Data Catalog Application

New features and improvements

Feature Description

Imported Models: missing bridge icons on Linux

Fixed bridge icons on Linux.

Manage / Tool Integration / Browser Extension / Side Panel or Pop up / Potential Security Vulnerability

Updated MM and the Chrome extension configurations to allow MM UI embedding in the Chrome extension side panel.

Data modeling tools: add category with bridge ID for key DM tools

  • Updated MM UI categories for ERwin, ER/Studio, Sybase, and SAP PowerDesigner.
  • Added SVG icons for bridges.

Lineage: selecting a node refreshes the property panel multiple times

Fixed the issue of multiple property panel refreshes on selection change.

Imported BI Tools: add missing Bridge ID on business intelligence tools like Tableau, PowerBI, BusinessObjects, and Cognos.

Added missing sub-categories for Tableau and PowerBI.

User interface: SVG format detection optimization

Improved the preview of SVG file attachments.

Lineage: major improvements in Data Flow and Semantic Flow

Implemented harmonization and major improvements in Data Flow and Semantic Flow.

MQL: normalize supported operators in the WHERE clause based on attribute value type

Normalized supported operators in the WHERE clause based on attribute value type.

Oracle Database (via JDBC): remove stored procedure icon node from the stored procedure lineage

Removed the stored procedure node from the lineage overview if disconnected and another lineage is present.

Cloud Identity: library should not have downloadable dependencies

Cleaned up project dependencies.

Backup and restore: Operation starting error: Invalid compression ratio for contents/980666/980667/logs/log_53258.txt

Logs are no longer unzipped from the restore zip.

Search: push down the Parent attribute filter to the Search index

Improved the performance of the Parent attribute filter by pushing it down to the search index.

Search: normalize value type handling in MQL and search services

Normalized value type handling in MQL and Search.

Backup and Restore: location of the restore log

Updated the error message.

Workflow: add word wrap in development vs. published comparison for rich text

Added word wrap to the Show Differences dialog.

Imported Models / Bridge Category and Family / Availability in Model Explorer, Worksheets, and Dashboard (new Model Statistics)

Supported new bridge-based categories in the MQL category filter.

Data Source Access History (for example, Popularity) sorted by default when available to list RDBMS Tables/Views, BI Worksheets, and so on.

Added sorting by popularity in the overview tab where applicable.

MQL: avoid redundant MQL query processing

Improved search performance by eliminating redundant MQL query processing.

Notable fixes

Issue Description

Deployment: setting M_BROWSE_PATH to full path fails to browse files

Allow using the root of the browse path.

GetBrowseSettings slow performance

Improved the performance of GetBrowseSettings.

Slow dashboard when using MQL EXISTS

Improved the performance of relationship queries.

Manage System: Solr system status is not displayed when the Solr server is unreachable

Fixed the Manage System window to show the Solr system status when the Solr server cannot be reached.

MQL: Viewers='Administrator' returns too many results

Fixed an issue where Viewers = 'Administrator' returned too many results.

Manage / Repository / Configuration / Create Like

Added a Copy Configuration option to configuration content to allow uses to make a complete copy of configuration content with the published or latest configuration version.

Search: count of objects in the Filter Model does not correspond to count of objects in results

Fixed the result count of an MQL query containing search text.

REST API: GET /entities/countMQLQuery returns no results when the filter value contains a plus sign

Removed the extra URL decoding on query parameters of REST API calls.

MQL: incorrect filter and facet results for "Data Select Method"

Fixed the search and facet results of "Data Select Method".

Architecture Diagram: Move Front or Back requires refresh

Fixed Move Front and Back to keep links above everything.

MQL: the Workflow Deprecation Requested attribute used in the WHERE clause returns no results

Fixed the Workflow Deprecation Requested attribute filter.

MQL: ordering by "Data Select Query" causes a SolrException

Fixed a SolrException that occurred when sorting by "Data Select Query".

MQL: the Certified EXISTS filter causes the error Index 0 out of bounds for length 0

Fixed an issue with the Certified EXISTS filter.

MQL: Parent."Source History"."Popularity Count" used in the SELECT clause causes a Server Error "For input string: "<AccessHistory popularityCount="3"/>\n""

Fixed a server error occurred when Parent."Source History"."Popularity Count" used in the SELECT clause.

Lineage / Data Flow / Diagram: Cannot see columns

Fixed the column rendering of hierarchical items.

Lineage / Data Flow / Diagram: empty menu in the Column chooser dialog

Fixed the Column chooser dialog in the diagram.

Lineage / Data Flow / Tree Mode: mask loading when selecting Show Process a second time

Optimized the code to load processes once.

MQL: "Imported Date" NOT EXISTS should return system objects in the configuration

Fixed the results of the filter "Imported Date" NOT EXISTS to return system objects.

MQL: ordering by "Data Profiling"."Distinct" returns objects in wrong order

Fixed a sorting issue on "Data Profiling"."Distinct" in a configuration with DQ models

MQL: Order by on "Data Profiling"."Distinct" causes a Java IllegalArgumentException

Fixed a Java IllegalArgumentException occurred with an order by.

Lineage / Data Flow: Error when selecting a column in Classic Diagram

Fixed a selection bug in Classic Diagram.

Lineage / Data Flow / Setup / Remove mixed connections ON / Some object have no link

Fixed the recalculation of relationship items for hierarchical node.

Lineage / Data Flow: icons are missing in certain Snowflake models

Fixed the icon servlet to use the object system type as a fallback when the object is not profiled.

Configuration: Error "<local12>" is null

Fixed a NullPointerException when the bridge is not available.

MQL: using Parent."Import Bridge" in a query causes a Java NullPointerException

Fixed a Java NullPointerException that occurred when Parent."Import Bridge" is used in an MQL query.

Worksheets / Bridge Category and Family: the browser crashes when selecting a category

Fixed an exception that occurred when reloading a worksheet.

Manage / Repository / Folder: "Import new model(s) from folder" fails

Removed the old "Import new model(s) from folder" operation.

Lineage / Data Flow / Oracle Database (via JDBC) / Stored Procedure: broken icon in the Data Flow Function

Correctly display the function or stored procedure in the lineage.

Search: sort on Popularity Count should be ignored if the search index is Lucene

Ignored Order by "Source History"."Popularity Count" desc if the search index is Lucene.

Custom Model: publishing an object sometimes loses relationships to objects not under workflow

Correctly publish and index custom bi-directional relationships where one end object is under workflow and the other is not.

MQL: the attribute Parent."Data Profiling"."Total Records" in a query caused server error

Fixed an issue with the Parent."Data Profiling" attributes.

Semantic Flow: missing on some data flow pass-through

Allow tracing semantic flow through pass-through data flow links.

Worksheets / Bridge Category and Family: subcategory "Naming" displays more results than the "Naming Standard" category

Fixed an issue with a category filter on "Naming Standard".

Worksheets / Bridge Category and Family: SQL Server is not listed

Added new bridge categories.

Manage Schedules / Operation / Import Data Source Access History: add an option for number of days in the past

Added an option to specify the number of past days for source history import.

Imported Models: creating a new Model shows a generic content icon until it is imported

Correctly pass bridgeId when creating a new content.

MQL: failed to get a Profile attribute when a parent attribute is selected

Resolved the Profile attribute type correctly when a parent attribute is selected.

Worksheet: an error occured when leaving a worksheet without saving

Fixed the related JavaScript exception.

PostgreSQL Database (via JDBC): Error: "java.lang.NullPointerException" when connecting

Skipped loading the template0 and template1 templates.

MQL: Lucene-related issues in the MQL attribute describer

Fixed the MQL attribute describer for Lucene.

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