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Migrating a task from Talend Administration Center to Talend Management Console

In this scenario, you use Talend APIs to migrate a task from Talend Administration Center to Talend Management Console.

About this task

Here are some details about the API call:

Method: POST
endpoint: api/v2/migration/tmc/tasks
          "tacid": 0,
          "id": 0,
          "triggers": [
          "taskParameters": true,
          "pause": true
      "comment": "string",
      "cloud": {
        "environment": "string",
        "workspace": "string",
        "engine": "string",
        "cluster": "string"
      "options": {
        "artifact": true


  1. Call the GET api/v2/tacs endpoint in TAC Management APIs to fetch the TAC ID of the TAC server. The response returns the list of TAC servers registered with Qlik Talend Cloud Migration Toolkit.
  2. Note down the TAC ID of the TAC server.

    For example: tacId: 1

  3. Call the GET api/v2/tacs/inventory/tasks endpoint with the TAC server ID from step 1 as parameter. The response returns the list of tasks belonging to the TAC server.
  4. Note down the task ID.

    For example: taskId: 2

    If the task has any triggers defined, you can also note down the trigger IDs of the task to migrate the triggers along with the task to TMC.

    For example: triggerId: 3Example of a response body to get IDs of a migrated user.

  5. Call the POST api/v2/migration/tmc/tasks endpoint in TAC to TMC migration to migrate the task to TMC.
    In the Body area, enter the following information:
    Parameter name Value
    tacid Enter the TAC server ID from step 1.
    id Enter the task ID from step 2.
    triggers Enter the trigger IDs from step 2 to migrate the list of triggers along with the task.
    taskParameters Enter true to override TAC task parameter values with a custom value.
    pause Enter true if you want to migrate the task in a paused state.
    environment, workspace, engine You can provide the TMC target deployment environment name, workspace name and remote engine or cluster name.
    artifact If the task artifact already exists in TMC, enter false in options, else the artifact will be downloaded from artifact repository and then uploaded to Talend Cloud.


         "tasks": [
             "tacid": 1,
             "id": 2,
             "triggers": [
             "taskParameters": true,
             "pause": true
         "comment": "Migration of task_02 from QTCMT",
         "cloud": {
           "environment": "preeti_dev",
           "workspace": "dev",
           "engine": "qtcmt_re"
         "options": {
           "artifact": true
  6. Click Execute to issue your call.


The task is created or migrated successfully in TMC and the status code 200 is returned. In the Body field of the response, the details of the migrated task are displayed.
Example of a response body to get details of a migrated task.

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