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Creating a profile


In this scenario, you use Talend APIs to create a profile to improve your project quality.

About this task

Here are some details about the API call:

Method: POST
endpoint: api/v1/projects/quality/profiles
  "projectName": "string",
  "type": "GIT",
  "specs": [
  "uri": "string"
Example of an API response.


  1. Call the GET api/v1/projects/quality/specifications endpoint to get all the specifications. Set the Details parameter to True if you want to fetch all the specification information along with the created profile ID. Set the parameter to False if you want to fetch only the profile ID.
  2. Note the IDs of the specifications you want to add to the profile you want to create.
  3. Call the POST api/v1/projects/quality/profiles endpoint to create a profile.
  4. In the Body area, enter the following information:
    Parameter name Value
    projectName Enter the name of the Talend project.
    type Enter the type of the project. By default, the type is GIT. If the project is on a local workspace, the type is Local. In CI/CD, it will be the primary origin.
    specs Enter one or several specification IDs.
    uri Enter the Git URI of the Talend project


      "projectName": "PROJECT_73",
      "type": "GIT",
      "specs": [
      "uri": ""
  5. Click Execute to issue your call.


The profile is created.

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