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Routes the message consecutively through a series of processing steps, with the sequence of steps unknown at design time and variable for each message.

For more information, see the Apache camel documentation

cRoutingSlip Standard properties

These properties are used to configure cRoutingSlip running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard cRoutingSlip component belongs to the Routing family.

Basic settings

Header name

Type in name of the message header as defined in the preceding cSetHeader component, mySlip by default. The header should carry a list of endpoint URIs you wish each message to be routed to.

URI delimiter Delimiter used to separate multiple endpoint URIs carried in the message header, comma (,) by default.


Usage rule

cRoutingSlip is used as a middle or end component of a sub-route. It always follows a cSetHeader component, which sets a header to each message to carry a list of endpoint URIs.

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