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Exchanges messages between a Data Integration Job and a Mediation Route.

cTalendJob calls a Data Integration Job either from the repository or exported as an OSGI Bundle For ESB. For more information on how to build a Job and how to export a Job as an OSGI Bundle for ESB, see Building a Job as an OSGI Bundle For ESB.

cTalendJob Standard properties

These properties are used to configure cTalendJob running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard cTalendJob component belongs to the Talend family.

Basic settings


Select this option to call a Job from the Repository.

External Select this option to call a Job that is exported as an OSGI Bundle For ESB.
Repository/Use Selected Job Context This field appears when Repository is selected. Select this check box to use the context that is selected in the Context list when executing the Job.
Repository/Use Route Context Name

This field appears when Repository is selected. Select this check box to use the Job context that has the same name as the one that is used in the Route when executing the Job.

Information noteNote:

If context does not exist in the Job, null values of the context parameters will be used during the Job execution. Make sure that you have the needed context in the Job.

Repository/Use Job Context This field appears when Repository is selected. Select this check box to use the selected context on the Job side when executing the Job.
This field appears when Repository is selected. Click [...] to show the Assign Job wizard. Choose between Create a new Job and Assign it to this cTalendJob component and Assign an existing Job to this cTalendJob component and follow the prompts.
Information noteWarning:

When assigning an existing Job to cTalendJob, only the Jobs with the tRouteInput component can be selected.

You can double-click cTalendJob to open the referenced Job, or right-click cTalendJob and select Open Job in Integration in the context menu open it.

Repository/Version This field appears when Repository is selected. Select the version of the Job if more than one version of the Job is available.

This field appears when Repository is selected. Select from the list the context to use to execute the referenced Job.

Information noteWarning:

This option works only when Use Selected Job Context is selected.

External Jar/Library

This field appears when External is selected. Select the library you want to import from the list, or click on the [...] button to import the jar library of your Job.

External Jar/Job

This field appears when External is selected. Type in the name of the package and the name of your Job separated by a point. For example: route_project.txmlmap_0_1.tXMLMap. To get this naming, you can open the jar library of your Job, go to OSGI-INF > blueprint and edit the job.xml file, the naming is available in a bean node like <bean id="job" class="route_project.txmlmap_0_1.tXMLMap"/>.

External Jar/Context

This field appears when External is selected. Type in the name of the context to use to execute the referenced Job.

Context Param

Use this table to change the variable values of the specified context in the referenced Job.

Click [+] to add as many rows as required to the table. Select the context variable that you want to change in the Parameters list of each row, and enter the value you want to give it in the Values field. This value will replace the one that is defined on the Job side.

Advanced settings

Propagate Header Select this check box to pass the message header to the referenced Job as a context variable.
Fast Job Invocation Select this check box to bind the life cycle of the embedded Talend Job to the start and stop state changes of the connected Talend Camel Endpoint.
When the Route is started, the endpoint for the embedded Job is also started, and the Job instance is created and ready for receiving message exchanges. With this option enabled, while the Route is active, the embedded Job keeps long-living resources and refreshes short-living resources between invocations. In this case the database access objects are only kept connected while data are sent or received, which avoids overhead and performance loss with Jobs containing database assess resources that are expensive on creation.
Information noteWarning:

Due to the variety of possible Jobs, there is no warranty that a specific Job will work as expected with the Fast Job Invocation option activated. Therefore, Jobs using this option need to be tested well for proper execution, and in failure case this option needs to be de-activated.

Information noteWarning:

In combination with the Fast Job Invocation option, the Propagate Header option may not work as expected. The combination needs to be tested well for the specific Job, and in failure case the Fast Job Invocation option needs to be de-activated.


Usage rule

cTalendJob can be a start, middle, or end component in a Route. It is mandatory that a tRouteInput component is used in the Data Integration Job. The reason for it is that this will prevent the referenced Job from starting automatically when deployed in Talend Runtime. Instead it will only start when it gets called by the Route.



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