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Processes fixed width or delimited files or messages using the FlatPack library

For more information, see the Apache camel documentation

cFlatPack Standard properties

These properties are used to configure cFlatPack running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard cFlatPack component belongs to the Transformation family.

Basic settings

When using as a start component in a route:


PZMAP FileType

The PZMAP file is the Flatpack configuration file that is used to configure the structure of the input file. For more information about the PZMAP file configuration, see the website

Select the PZMAP file type from Filename and Repository Resource.

Filename: The PZMAP file is stored in the local file system.

Repository Resource: The PZMAP file is stored in the Resources node of the Repository.

PZMAP Filename

This option appears when Filename is selected in the PZMAP FileType list. Enter or browse to the path to the PZMAP file.

PZMAP Repository Resource

This option appears when Repository Resource is selected in the PZMAP FileType list. Click [...] and select the PZMAP file under the Resources node in the dialog box.

Fixed Positional file

Select this option if the file is a fixed format file.

Delimited file

Select this option if the file is delimited.

Text Qualifier: Specify the text qualifier for delimited files. The default value is ".

Text Delimiter: Specify the character delimiter for delimited files. The default value is ,.

Split Rows

Select this check box to process each row one by one.

Ignore First Record

Select this check box to ignore the first line for delimited files (for the column headers). This option is only available if the Delimited file option is selected.

Allow Short Lines

Select this check box to allow lines shorter than expected by the PZMAP file.

Ignore Extra Columns

Select this check box to allow lines longer than expected by the PZMAP file and ignore the extra characters.

When using as a middle or end component in a Route:


Use Exist cFlatPack

Click [...] and select the cFlatPack component to be used as the file parser in the dialog box.


Usage rule

cFlatPack can be a start, middle, or end component in a Route.



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