Extracting and transforming data in CSV format
From the Palette, drag and drop a
cSetHeader, cCsvParser,
cCsvWriter, two cFile and cLog components onto the design workspace.
In the Basic settings view of
the first cFile component, browse to or enter
the input file path in the Path field, and leave
the other parameters as they are.
In this scenario, a CSV file sample_data.csv with the following content is in the specified directory:
ID,Name,Age,City # Comment line 1,Alice,28,New York
In the Basic settings view of
the cSetHeader component, click
[+] in the Headers to remove area to
add a row in the Headers table, and enter "*",
"CamelFileName" in the Name field to remove all
headers except CamelFileName.
In the Basic settings view of the
cCsvParser component, select Custom
in the CSV Format list and keep the default settings of the
other options.
In the Basic settings view of the first
cLog component, select the Format the log
output option and add arguments "multiline" and
"showHeaders" with the value
Repeat this step to configure the second cLog component with the same settings.
In the Basic settings view of the
cCsvWriter component, select Excel
in the CSV Format list.
In the Basic settings view of the second
cFile component, browse to or enter the output file path in
the Path field, and leave the other parameters as they
Click the Code tab at the bottom
of the design workspace to have a look at the generated code.
Click the Run view to display it
and click the Run button to launch the execution
of your route. You can also press F6 to execute
RESULT: The log messages are printed in the console. The data from the input CSV file is written in Excel format.
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