Searching for master data records in a specific entity
Before you begin
- The MDM server is already launched.
You have been assigned a role with the appropriate user authorization and access rights.
You have selected the data container which holds the master data records and staging data records you want to manage and the corresponding data model against which the data will be validated.
At least one view has been created in Talend Studio. For more information, see Views.
Information noteNote:If a smart view has already been created for the business entity in Talend Studio, the Master Data Browser and Staging Data Browser pages the Master Data Browser page will open on this customized view and not on the usual generated view.
For more information on smart views, see Creating a Smart View process.
From the Welcome page, click Master Data Browser or
from the Menu pane,
click Browse and then
select Master Data
The Master Data Browser page displays.
In the entity field, click the arrow, and then
select from the list the entity of interest.
The first page of records is returned as soon as you select the entity.
If required, you can define the search criteria
to limit the results.
Information noteNote: If you have already bookmarked your search criteria, click
from the list to the right, select a search bookmark and then click Search.
Consider, for example, searching the Product entity for all master data records in which the price is equal to 30.
After setting the entity name in the first field, click the arrow in the second field and select Price.
In the drop-down list immediately to the right, click the arrow and select a search option, is equal to in this example.
In the next field, enter 30.
Click Search to display all products whose price is equal to 30.
The first record in the list is automatically selected and its details are displayed in the panel to the right, including the details of those entities that are linked with this entity through foreign keys if any.
When defining the search criteria, bear in mind the following:
- The search criteria available depend on the parameters set in Talend Studio when creating a view for the entity.
- If you are using a SQL database, you cannot combine a full text query with other search criteria.
- Searches in the master database support both full text search and standard SQL search.
- Full text search does not support entities with composite keys.
- Depending on the type of field you want to search for, only certain operators apply. For example, if the field is a date, only the operators equals, is after, and is before are available.
- If the field is of complex type, only the operator whole content contains is available, and the search is performed in all the fields defined by the complex type field.
- If the field is a foreign key of composite key or numeric type, only two operators is equal to and is empty or null are available, and you can specify the search keyword in a suggest box field, which can display a suggest list of values that match your input based on the foreign key info.
- If the field is a foreign key of string type, six operators contains the word(s), contains the sentence, is equal to, is not equal to, starts with, and is empty or null are available.
- If the field is a foreign key, the Select the relationship button displayed next to the search field allows you to specify the search keyword by selecting a foreign key value in a pop-up Select the related record dialog box.
- The operator is not equal to does not support multi-occurrence fields or complex type fields.
- If the field is a multi-language field, make sure to use at least three characters in your search keyword.
The following operators are available:
1. Standard SQL search considers the search content as an integrate phrase to be matched, while full text search interprets the search content as a phrase which contains multiple words, and the records that match any of the words will be returned. For example, if the search content is "test first name", full text search will consider it as three independent words "test", "first", and "name", while standard SQL search will consider it as one phrase "test first name".Operator Usage contains the word(s) 1 Returns a result which contains a word that starts with the value entered. Note that the full text search does not support special characters such as @, #, $. contains the sentence 1 Returns a result which contains the sentence entered. is equal to Returns a result which matches the value entered. Information noteNote: When searching for a boolean type field with the false value, data records that contain the false and null values are not equal to Returns a result of any value other than the null value and the value entered. is greater than Returns a result which is greater than the numerical value entered. Applies to number fields only. is greater or equals Returns a result which is greater than or equal to the numerical value entered. Applies to number fields only. is lower than Returns a result which is less than the numerical value entered. Applies to number fields only. is lower or equals Returns a result which is less than or equal to the numerical value entered. Applies to number fields only. starts with Returns a result which begins with the string entered. whole content contains 1 Returns a result of a plain text search from data of the viewable business elements of the selected composite view. The viewable business elements are defined in the Viewable Business Elements area of the view in Talend Studio. For more information about the composite view and the viewable business elements, see How to create a composite View.
Information noteNote: Lucene term search, field search, and wildcard search are supported. Besides, Lucene fuzzy search is also supported and enabled by default.- Term search: there are two types of terms, single terms and phrases.
- Single term search: search by typing a single word, for example Doc, which will return all data records that contain the word Doc.
- Phrase search: search by typing a group of words surrounded by double quotes, for example "Talend Doc", which will return all data records that contain the phrase Talend Doc.
- Field search: search any field by typing the field name followed by a colon and then the term you are looking for, for example, Team:Doc, which will return all data records whose Team field contains the word Doc.
- Wildcard search: search by using a single-character wildcard ? or a multiple-character wildcard *.
- A single-character wildcard search looks for terms that match with the single character replaced, for example, to search test and text, you can use te?t.
- A multiple-character wildcard search looks for zero or more characters, for example, the search term doc* will match doc, document, and documentation. The multiple-character wildcard can also be in the middle of the term, for example, the search term b*k will match bank, book, and black.
- Fuzzy search: search by using a single word term followed by the tilde symbol ~ and then an optional parameter that can specify the required similarity. The value of the parameter is between 0 and 1, and the default value is 0.5 if the parameter is not given. For example, to search for a term similar in spelling to roam, such as roams and foam, you can use the fuzzy search roam~0.4.
This operator is available only when the name of a composite view is selected from the Select an entity ... list and Whole content is selected from the list next to the Select an entity ... list.
equals Returns a result with a date equal to the date specified. Applies to date fields only. is before Returns a result with a date earlier than the date specified. Applies to date fields only. is after Returns a result with a date later than the date specified. Applies to date fields only. is empty or null Returns an empty field or a null value. - Click any of the listed records to open its detail in the right panel, or right-click the record and then select Open Item In New Tab to open the record in its own top-level tab.
If required, set in the Lines/page box at the
bottom of the page a number for the data records you want to
This number will be retained every time you try to browse data records in the repository (MDM hub).
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