You have installed the R2022-05 Talend Studio
Monthly update or a later one manually to each Talend Studio.
You have been assigned the Project Administrator role to manage the update
Open the Configuration tab.
Click the Studio tab.
If you do not see the Studio tab, it means you have no
Talend Studio
license available for subscription.
If you see the message Your account needs to have a valid license for
Studio 8.x or later to use the feature., it means your Talend Studio
license is expired or not valid. Contact Qlik Support.
If you see the message You are currently using the latest available
update version., it means the applied update version is the latest
available one.
Below Available updates, choose the update version from the
list by clicking the Apply button next to the Update URL
In the dialog box, click the Apply button to apply this
update version to all your projects.
Changes can take up to 30 minutes to take effect in Talend Studio.
Talend Studio
collaborators will get notified about the applied version.
As all Talend Studio
instances connected to the same project must use the same version, collaborators
must accept the applied version. It will become the only version available in
Talend Studio.
You can see the applied update version, who has applied it and when it has been applied
in Applied update version.
You can also see the Talend Studio update
version selected for all your projects from the Projects page.
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