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URI structure

Basically, the URI structure of a SOAP over JMS address looks like the following structure:



  • variant can have the following values:

    Variant Description
    jndi Destination name is a jndi queue name
    jndi-topic Destination name is a jndi topic name
    queue Destination is a queue name resolved using JMS
    topic Destination is a topic name resolved using JMS
  • destination_name is basically the queue or topic name.

  • context_factory_class_name is the class name of a JNDI context factory which will be used to resolve a factory which creates connections to the broker.

  • connection_factory_name is a platform-specific connection factory name (differs for Active MQ and Websphere MQ)

  • JMS_broker_URL is a URL which will be used by the context resolve or create connection factory and destination objects.

But CXF provides the possibility to specify further JMS parameters:

Query Parameter Default Value Description
conduitIdSelectorPrefix If set then this string will be the prefix for all correlation ids the conduit creates and also be used in the selector for listening to replies
deliveryMode PERSISTENT

NON_PERSISTENT messages will kept only in memory

PERSISTENT messages will be saved to disk

durableSubscriptionClientId Optional Client identifier for the connection. The purpose is to associate a connection with a state maintained on behalf of the client by a provider. The only such state identified by the JMS API is that required to support durable subscriptions.
durableSubscriptionName Specifies the name used to register a durable subscription.
jndiConnectionFactoryName ConnectionFactory Specifies the JNDI name bound to the JMS connection factory to use when connecting to the JMS destination.
jndiInitialContextFactory Specifies the fully qualified Java class name of the "InitialContextFactory" implementation class to use.
jndiURL Specifies the JNDI provider URL
jndi-* Additional parameters for a JNDI provider
messageType byte JMS message type used by CXF (byte, text or binary)
password Password for creating the connection. Using this in the URI is discouraged
priority 4 Priority for the messages. See your JMS provider documentation for details. Values range from 0 to 9 where 0 is lowest priority
replyToName Specifies the JNDI name bound to the JMS destinations where replies are sent
receiveTimeout 60000 Timeout in milliseconds the client waits for a reply in case of request / repy exchanges
reconnectOnException true Should the transport reconnect in case of exceptions. From version 3.0.0 on the transport will always reconnect in case of exceptions
targetService Used by the service implementation to dispatch the service request.
timeToLive 0 Time (in ms) after which the message will be discarded by the jms provider
topicReplyToName Reply to messages on a topic with this name. Depending on the variant this is either a jndi or jms name.
useConduitIdSelector true

Each conduit is assigned with a UUID. If set to true this conduit id will be the prefix for all correlation ids. This allows several endpoints to share a JMS queue or topic

username Username for creating the connection

Some of these attributes are specified in the JMS URI specification.

Further parameters are supported by the underlying CXF 3.x, namely jndiTransactionManager, which allows the configuration of JTA transactions around JMS message processing. However, this is an advanced feature for which it is recommended to read the CXF documentation and the documentation of the MOM in use.

Depending of the MOM used, the connection URI can look differently. For more information on how the address URI for connection to Active MQ looks like, see Connecting to ActiveMQ, and for more information on how the address URI for connection to Websphere MQ looks like, see Connecting to Websphere MQ.

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